Gavin Painter medal 5000 7 years 65 days ago (edited 7 years 65 days ago)
Is there problem with the server again? We had trouble logging in just before our race start at 2200 and the race results haven’t populated after it finished. The Go to race button is also still showing.

Gert Rose medal 5001 Super Mod 7 years 65 days ago
I also have the impression there are server issues. I can't run practice laps at the moment.

Lee Clark medal 5000 7 years 65 days ago
I'm not able to do setups and run practice laps. HAs been like it for about an hour already.

Gavin Calthorpe medal 5000 7 years 65 days ago
Not looking good, my drivers health isn't going up either so can't train them.

Rob Wake medal 5000 7 years 65 days ago
Having the same problem as Gavin, health has not improved in the last 2 hours.

Edu Rodrigues medal 5000 7 years 65 days ago
Hello everyone, everything good?
This is the first time I write to you, and first of all I would like to thank you for creating my favorite game !!
But lately I have had problems at the moment of making the adjustments of the car to the race, it blocks every moment !!!
today I was in the expectation of starting the race and suddenly I brake locked the screen and missed the start of the race. problems that have happened frequently and that most of the time ends up irritating.
Please fix this !!!
Eduardo Rodrigues

Gustavo Heiden medal 5011 Super Mod 7 years 65 days ago
Neither practice nor races are being saved. I am expecting developers to roll back everything.

Tiago Bernardes medal 5000 7 years 65 days ago
Neither practice nor races are being saved. I am expecting developers to roll back everything.

Gavin Painter medal 5000 7 years 65 days ago
Our race seems to have finally saved. Not sure health is going up though.

Paul Green medal 5000 7 years 65 days ago
No race, no practice, no health improvement..

Gonzalo Escardó medal 5000 7 years 65 days ago
We are having the same issue. We cannot log in to the race. Hope we can postpone the race until the problem is solved?

Elias Escalada medal 5000 7 years 65 days ago
I can't do the practice laps, and the health isn't working...

Gert Rose medal 5001 Super Mod 7 years 65 days ago
Seems like a general issue. The devs will have some work to do when they wake up :-)

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 65 days ago
Hi all, the devs are aware of this problem and are working to resolve it as soon as possible.

Giuliano Dalmata medal 5000 7 years 65 days ago
I have the same problems as the others

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 64 days ago
This should be fixed now, if there are still issues please post here.