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Weather Changing During Strategy Setup

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7 years 37 days ago
I just attempted to get wet laps in during my practice. On the home screen it showed the weather was currently raining, I went to the setup screen, it was showing a rain icon, I ran the strategy and the symbol changed to a dry and cloudy symbol and I was given practice results that I would expect from Inters/Wets in dry conditions. This happened with both cars.

As a side note, I had my wing and ride height set to what the driver stated was ideal when I ran my dry tyre laps earlier, however both drivers are saying that my setup is way off. I'm a touch confused with it all and now don't have any wet data to go into a wet race with.
7 years 36 days ago
I had this happen to me today
5011 Super Mod
7 years 36 days ago
I always look here to know if it is raining or not
xx= [1,..,17] Race you want to see forecast / current weather.

We have to be patient and wait for server improvements :)
7 years 36 days ago
G'day Gustavo, that link just took me to the in game weather forecast which I have been using. However the issue I have come across is that the forecast showed sunny, the practice screen showed sunny and then after I ran the practice lap the icon changed to rain and I was provided with results that I would expect of a rainy track. I've even gone so far as to check live races prior to running the practice laps which have also not shown rain whilst spectating.

So all the information provided by the game showed sunny conditions until the practice lap was run at which time the icon changed and I received wet data.

And the first time I encountered this it did the opposite, all the information showed rain, but I was provided with dry results on my wet tyres.
7 years 8 days ago
Weather condition are sunny and when I start practive it comes up with rainy conditions. I logged out and logged in and it continues to give me sunny conditions and practice with the second car turns to be rainy as well. Can you explain. It is not the first time this happens ???
7 years 7 days ago
Weather condition are sunny and when I start practive it comes up with rainy conditions. I logged out and logged in and it continues to give me sunny conditions and practice with the second car turns to be rainy as well. Can you explain. It is not the first time this happens ???

I'm not quite sure why this happens. I think there was answer for it but I've forgotten.
5011 Super Mod
7 years 7 days ago
Hey guys, next time you see this acting weird please, take a screenshot like this one:

A picture would give more details, because I don't think there's an issue with this system.
7 years 6 days ago
For the. Weather in the home page is different than weather in an ongoing race. In home page it shows light clouds but its heavy rain with nearly 4mm water in an ongoing race. Android app I'm using.
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