Daniel Schupp medal 5000 7 years 29 days ago (edited 7 years 29 days ago)
I am not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I seemed have lost my CD for some reason?
I didn't get any warning that his contract was up, and to be honest I think he still had about 17 races to go on his contract as from memory I only got him at the end of my last season?
I managed to find him again in the transfer section but had to buy him again and lose 9 tokens.
Is this a known bug?
Not that I'd know. Given the stats you hired your current CD the first time on 14th January, which also matches the day she got fired/auctioned by her former employer, and she left on 13th February. If I guess right your league is doing a 7 day season break and she did 20 races in 30 days with 3 this current season, which would mean that you hired her in the season break before the first race last season. So from contract length it looks like all is in order.
So the likely bug would be that the exclamation mark symbol didn't came up those last 3 races to warn you about the expiring contract. It's not the first time that one isn't working as intended for sure.
Edit: Yunus was faster, it took me way too long to check out things it seems. ;-)
Edit2: It looks like you hired a driver, the technical director and the doctor during her last contract races. Was one of their predecessors contract ending by any chance?