Francisco Garcia medal 5000 7 years 24 days ago
I just started this game and I completed my very first race yesterday in the afternoon. As part of the tutorial it obviously tells me to set up sponsors, but when I go to my finances tab and click on sponsors, nothing shows up, it is just blank. I have tried refreshing multiple times and I went on today, still the same problem. Is there anything I can do? Because I am just losing money at this point.

Chris Albrecht medal 4947 7 years 24 days ago
One of my league's new members, Francisco Garcia (left comment on https://igpmanager.com/app/p=league&id=7332) has posted that he's unable to access any sponsors. He sent me a picture privately and the sponsor tab in finances is completely blank, which is odd. He's currently playing using Chrome (on ChromeBook). Any ideas on what the problem is?

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 24 days ago
It's his adblocker. I don't even need to log in to verify. haha