Sak Khan medal 5000 6 years 275 days ago
Im unable to do test runs for todays race.
Everytime i try a setup i get pop up oppss error message.

Sak Khan medal 5000 6 years 274 days ago
Still anticipating your swift response

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 6 years 274 days ago (edited 6 years 274 days ago)
Hi Sak,
I see the issue, please go to Drivers & Staff, click 'Change' next to your drivers then re-select them and press Save. Once you have done this the issue will resolve itself. It is unique to your account. I am investigating how this happened to you as this is a bug I fixed earlier this week.
UPDATE: The explanation is that you signed these contracts 2-3 weeks ago, so before the fix was applied. I'll run a manual fix over any contracts from the past month, so you shouldn't really need to do anything once I've done that. I will do that in the next 15 minutes or so.

Sak Khan medal 5000 6 years 274 days ago
Thank you Jack,
Are you compensating me with Talent 20 driver?