Ali El-morssy medal 5000 6 years 237 days ago
All players in the Elite league are unable to connect to the live race. Rookie and Pro produced a qualifier but Elite did not produce any qualifying results. It is stuck on 0% when trying to connect to the server.

Andy Clissold medal 5153 6 years 237 days ago (edited 6 years 237 days ago)
Same here in my league
Tried 4 times to open live viewer, it downloads the race resources but sticks on 'negotiating 0%' followed by 'reconnecting (reason 3)'. Then goes back to 'Negotiating 0%' and doesn't do anything.
Tried entering through the League tab but 'Live' does not appear beside the current race.
End of race update:
Rookie & Elite leagues' qualifying & race data available.
No Pro league qualifying or race data.
'Go to race' button still showing on 'home' screen but when clicked it says race has finished.

Ali El-morssy medal 5000 6 years 237 days ago
Just to update: Rookie and Pro raced live but not Elite. Until now it is still stuck on 0% negotiating, over 1hr 20 mins.

Marco Migliore medal 5000 6 years 237 days ago
The same on my league:

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 6 years 237 days ago
We're investigating this now.
The issue seems to be resolved, I spoke to one of our engineers who skipped these races a while ago. I can only apologise for those who were unable to attend their race today.