jerry alberti medal 5000 6 years 179 days ago
It should say training and show times then say qualifying and times and the race and times. Now at this time there is no times for qualy and race thats logic but it says now 1 2 3 instead of the races i can send in screenshots iff u wish
Gert Rose medal 5002 Super Mod 6 years 179 days ago
I see exactly the same, don't know if it's a general problem or just related to the dutch version, which you also use I believe.
jerry alberti medal 5000 6 years 179 days ago
Yes i also use the dutch version, i have already sent 3 screenshots to
Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5088 6 years 179 days ago
Hey Jerry, I'll look over your e-mails as soon as I have the chance and share them with our dutch translator!
jerry alberti medal 5000 6 years 177 days ago
Cool, not sure iff its only to the dutch version though. Yesterday it was still the same, the pre race sponsor and after race where now corrected and is now as it should be
jerry alberti medal 5000 6 years 171 days ago
Its still the same, on app in dutch pls send my screenshots to the dutch translator.
jerry alberti medal 5000 6 years 170 days ago
Pls review mail request 654 and 760 for the screenshots in this matter