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    medal 0
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Slow loading for the race!

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medal 5000
6 years 152 days ago (edited 6 years 152 days ago)
PC and Android are slow to compete !!! Why? The tournament starts at 20:00 today and yesterday it was 20:03. Help!!

Thanks !!! And Always lag, no kers realtime and push level!!!
medal 5219
6 years 152 days ago
Estou tendo problemas para logar tando do Android quanto do PC, principalmente do PC. 
medal 5404 CEO & CTO
6 years 152 days ago
Hi, we believe it was related to this issue we discovered this evening:

If it was this, then the good news is it's relatively easy to resolve in the grand scheme of things. It's essentially something we need to configure more optimally on the new servers, that's all.
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