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Weather bug maybe?

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medal 5000
6 years 151 days ago
In two different leagues on two different tracks and in two very different time I saw rain. The rain didn't increase above 0.2mm. One of the races was in Sepang at 18:00GMT (I can't imagine a rain which last for an entire hour and still doesn't wash away the track). The otherone took place in Spa at 14:00GMT.
In both races DRS was enabled from the very begining until the finish. Dry tires worked better whole race long despite the rain kept falling.
Was it a bug after all?!
medal 5006
6 years 150 days ago
Had just a race in brazil, at home screen it showed 19 degrees. 
In race it showed 19 degrees only from lap 10 till 28 the temprature changed to 9 degrees. And it really dropped because it affected the push level aswell. And after lap 28 it went back to 19 degrees what result in overheated tyres by some because it affected the push level. 

Hope you can fix the problem. 
medal 5272 Community Manager
6 years 150 days ago
Reported to the developer team.
medal 5006
6 years 150 days ago
3 hours ago we had a race and the weather system didnt work normal. 
In practice 10 minutes before race it showed it was 19 degrees. 
When the race was live it showed 19 degrees so we had to use pl 5. After 10 laps the temprature dropped till 9 degrees and the tyres where cooling off. So we had to change the push level to 4. And after +/- 15 laps the temprature changed again to 19 degrees and tyres where heating up!. 

Please fix this kind of problems. Thanks. 
medal 5000
6 years 150 days ago
There was an error where the track wetness was being reported wrong, this was corrected as of 14:00 UTC on the 6th September 2018.

This other issue of the temperature dropping appeared to happen at the third party provider for the weather. We are investigating why they reported such a change and seeing if there is ways to detect it happening in the future.
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