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Time for a headquarter upgrade

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medal 5000 Super Mod
6 years 119 days ago
This morning I checked my current design  upgrade and it said approximately 1 day 12 hours. 10 minutes ago and it said 1 day 23 hours remaining. 
medal 5002 Super Mod
6 years 119 days ago
Yeah,  that's a known visual bug. When you go from X days to X-1 days 23 hours, it keeps showing X hours for a while. If you check back in a few hours, it will have corrected itself. 
medal 5000 Super Mod
6 years 119 days ago
Thank you!
medal 5000
6 years 119 days ago
nella vita non vedi la macchina con la nuova livrea
medal 5000
6 years 118 days ago
I have never known a game with so many glaring bugs in it.
I set up an upgrade 2 days ago which takes 5 days to do. 2 days later it still show 4 days and 23 hours plus a few minutes. 
How can anyone take this game seriously. I have had drivers in the past who did the practice but never appeared in the qualifying or race. I have had setups changed for no apparent reason, just to name a few.#

If the bugs were ironed out it would be a decent game, but it looks like no one is bothered about sorting them out.
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