Matt Dellit medal 5000 12 years 257 days ago
New league, starts 1st July.
50% race distance, start time 16:50GMT, 2 car teams, all are welcome.

Matt Dellit medal 5000 12 years 257 days ago
Racing starts tonight, still looking for more people.
There will be promotion from Rookie this season, and hopefully from Pro the following season.

Jason Prudhoe medal 5000 12 years 167 days ago
im in pro class here, it gets crazy and highly competitive. the banter is nuts and mayhem is gauranteed! :D.

Awesome Asim medal 5000 12 years 149 days ago
The best league around :)

Jason Prudhoe medal 5000 12 years 136 days ago
one slot in rookie and pro left.
15/16 rookie
15/16 pro
16/16 elite
come join us

Dave Anderson medal 5000 12 years 136 days ago
im in pro class here, it gets crazy and highly competitive. the banter is nuts and mayhem is gauranteed! :D.
Come join the mayhem, like jason said. Highly competitive right the way through the tiers and always close battles :D

Jason Lee medal 5000 12 years 91 days ago
I'm eventually going to have to move out of my league (in a few months when daylight savings finishes) so I might consider this league closer to the time.

Gary Collyer medal 5001 12 years 90 days ago
:D :D im just having a break for a season or 2 over christmas period then im coming back, i cant do 100% races so would be cool to have a race against you if you move over in future.

Jason Lee medal 5000 12 years 90 days ago
I understand. Like you I am tempted to have a break aswell because I can't guarantee how many races I can make over the Xmas break.. Oh well, we'll see. I wanted my whole league to have a break but it seems the guys aren't keen on it. I don't know what I will do yet.
None the less I will have to change leagues eventually. I play in this league from work but when DST rolls back an hour, this league will start while I'm driving to work, thus I can't ever be there for the race, thus it isn't even worth competing in. DST isn't for another what, 3-4 months yet I don't think, but we'll see ;) My time in this league has always been temporary unfortunately :)

Matt Dellit medal 5000 12 years 90 days ago
Would be cool to race against you Jason, even if you did kick our backsides :P
To everyone else, it would be nice to fill the vacant spots ;)