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Auto pit bug

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medal 5000
6 years 69 days ago
In wet conditions i set my strategy to 1 stop on wet tyres. Not sure why but after 1 lap i was automatically pitted to put on another set of wets.thereby messing my race up
medal 5000
6 years 69 days ago (edited 6 years 69 days ago)
My best guess is 'commands not recognising eachothers equality'. 
So.. (next guess) u set strategy to 1 stop W W,
And in the advanced settings (if its raining and the water reaches ...,  u set a W and an amount of mm which it wasnt at the qualifying, 
but then reached that level in the period between 'end of qualify' and the first lap

I dont think its a bug.
Both commands are probably valid but there is no overruling protocol if tyrechoices are equal in normal and advanced setup,
so both commands are executed as put in by you.
But correct me if im wrong
medal 5000
6 years 69 days ago
As far as I'm aware its been 3.9 mm of rain through out the day.
still a bug in my eyes as race started on wets so there was no need to pit after 1 lap to change onto wets. 
medal 5000
6 years 69 days ago (edited 6 years 69 days ago)
Did u set any advanced settings and what were they?

I agree there is no need for the stop
medal 5089
6 years 68 days ago

As far as I'm aware its been 3.9 mm of rain through out the day.
still a bug in my eyes as race started on wets so there was no need to pit after 1 lap to change onto wets. 

Was it Hungary? Tried doing it to me too, but I cancelled them both half way round. Didn't change it in advanced strategy. 

medal 5000
6 years 68 days ago
same to me
medal 5000
6 years 68 days ago

Did u set any advanced settings and what were they?

I agree there is no need for the stop

I did not have any advanced settings 

medal 5000
6 years 68 days ago
Happened to our race as well,  unfortunately I wasn't on to cancel the pit but it utterly destroyed my race,  I had pace to win it. I was also lucky to get on before the final stop or it would have switched me to mediums despite being wet. It's happened in two races now and it's season destroying.
medal 5000
6 years 67 days ago
In our race in hungary we had same problem. Wet race and auto pit tried to make stop after 1lap. Started with wet tires and after stop again wet tires. Happened now second time in wet race this season.
medal 5000
6 years 67 days ago
I had right now same problem in Hungary 5mm wet race on wet tires, pitted on lap 1.
medal 5000
6 years 67 days ago
Stessa cosa oggi...quanto meno rendete a tutti i soldi persi per l obbiettivo non raggiunto
medal 5000 Super Mod
6 years 66 days ago


Did u set any advanced settings and what were they?

I agree there is no need for the stop

I did not have any advanced settings 

Then this is most likely the reason that the cars pitted. If you know you are going to attend the race, set the water depth to 5mm and the number of laps to 50. This makes it much less likely that the advance strategy will autopit your cars.

Be aware that the advanced strategy may still try to modify your tyre selection for the next pit stop when your cars autopit for fuel.

As an example. A few days ago I was racing in the wet, shortly after my first pit stop I set the next stop to wets with the correct fuel load using the bottom left and right driver controls. As the driver fuel got low the pit light started to flash. I went into the settings just to check that wets were still selected and found to my horror that as the autopit for fuel kicked in it also changed the tyre compound. To overcome this, I cancelled the pit stop, changed the tyres back to wet then re-enabled the pit stop and everything was fine. This happened to both of my driversso must be a feature of the advanced strategy.
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