Elcio P medal 5000 12 years 96 days ago
Hey devs... I think the thing broke down again.
7 minutes to go on the race start, still no qualifying info. What gives? Can someone answer about it?

Elcio P medal 5000 12 years 96 days ago
Please devs, when you see this:
- We didn't have our qualifying results posted;
- 2 minutes to race start and still "Race Not Open";
Please, postpone the race till tomorrow. As it is, it won't be fixed in time.
Our league: https://igpmanager.com/play/?url=race-launch/130470 / https://igpmanager.com/play/?url=league-standings/149#tab3

Elcio P medal 5000 12 years 96 days ago
WOW. The race is on, on the second lap already.
That's nice. :/

Andrew Wiseman medal 5000 12 years 96 days ago
Sorry about this. I believe the race did start on time although as you pointed qualifying was delayed. So, sorry to anyone who took that to mean the race wouldn't start on time and missed the start.

James Young medal 5000 12 years 96 days ago
I think until the simulator stability gets sorted, qualifying should be shifted back to running 20 minutes before the race instead of 15. Would give more time for the system to clear or to solve issues before races.
Or maybe offset the qualifying so it doesn't always start at the same time... maybe do some leagues 20 minutes ahead, some 15, smaller ones maybe 12.