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Fixed league search filters

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medal 5239 CEO & CTO
5 years 270 days ago
The league select page now has greatly reduced loading times, and more importantly, the filters are fully operational again. You can filter leagues by start time and more.

The league select page had not been in good shape for the last few months. During other updates it got neglected and not only were the filters not working, but it was slow to load. This was a common complaint and something I wanted to address for a long time, but it simply took a back seat to other matters, as the league search (by name) was still working and people were still getting in to leagues okay.

This seemed worth its own announcement because I know a lot of you have been asking for this.
medal 5000
5 years 270 days ago
Thank you so much! Finally, it's fixed!
medal 5002
5 years 270 days ago
Finally, thank you:)
medal 5013
5 years 270 days ago
It's great to see it be fixed.

I'd only add being able to choose half hour times such as 3:30 or 17:30 or 21:30 and for leagues that match the time exactly to be shown first, these leagues should then rank by cars per tier. Currently the leagues with the most cars per the player's tier within a 2 hour period of the time are shown, which may have been done on purpose (idk) but I believe is less convenient for the player.
medal 5000
5 years 269 days ago
It great that you working on this but it is still broke. 

I just did search on a mates league which I know he has spots open and I was getting leagues from 1400 to 2000 and just one at the time his league races and that is 2200 and his league never showed up. I had the same friend do a search on my league and he said it never showed up either. 

Another friend I searched on his league and it would only show up if you put the days off they do not race. But you have 7 days racing and none would show up at that time as available. My point with this one is how many people when they search for leagues put the days they dont want to race into the search engine unless they know already that what they want. his league should show up in a basic search just for time if there not 6 already there for that time at 7 days a week. 

If you want more info please get hold of me by Mail as I am glad to help unlike some of your mod team may think. But from what I have seen this is still not fixed to how it should be. 
medal 5396 Community Manager
5 years 269 days ago

It great that you working on this but it is still broke. 

I just did search on a mates league which I know he has spots open and I was getting leagues from 1400 to 2000 and just one at the time his league races and that is 2200 and his league never showed up. I had the same friend do a search on my league and he said it never showed up either. 

Another friend I searched on his league and it would only show up if you put the days off they do not race. But you have 7 days racing and none would show up at that time as available. My point with this one is how many people when they search for leagues put the days they dont want to race into the search engine unless they know already that what they want. his league should show up in a basic search just for time if there not 6 already there for that time at 7 days a week. 

If you want more info please get hold of me by Mail as I am glad to help unlike some of your mod team may think. But from what I have seen this is still not fixed to how it should be. 


Would be good if you share examples publicly so we’re able to replicate it. Thank you!
medal 5000
5 years 269 days ago
On chrome with a PC and it also does the same with android on my phone.
Yes I cleared the browser history and cached.

My friends league does not show up and they have ten managers in the elite league so it is not full.
Going by the cars in field you can only have one manager missing for it to show up in search filters and there only one showing up at that time. 
medal 5000
5 years 269 days ago
Yep I have the same problem as Taz, Mine does the same where it still gives you not what you trying to search for.
medal 5239 CEO & CTO
5 years 269 days ago
Hi guys, there is a misunderstanding here. The search is working as intended, it is designed to show only the 6 most populated leagues that match your search criteria, which are not full.

The reason your league or your friends league is not showing up is described in your post, that they don't have enough managers in the tier to be among the top 6 most populated leagues matching the search criteria. The reason it is set up that way is mainly for new players, so that they always get in to a league with a good amount of activity.

How would you prefer this to be handled? with pages for results? with more results on one page? Both?

medal 5002
5 years 269 days ago


How would you prefer this to be handled? with pages for results? with more results on one page? Both?

Pages of results sound good. Have the most populated on the first page and least populated towards the last pages. Also if we could have race speed and distance in the search that would be great. 


medal 5000
5 years 269 days ago
Hi Jack 

Thanks for getting back on this. 

Do i want pages of league results to go through? nope as most people will not go through more than the first page so that makes no sense at all. 

Do I wish for a top 6 or even top 10 search results all at the time I am searching for? Yes I do. 

We will use the time I used in the picture of 2200 hours. That is the time I want to race so that the time I want to see leagues that have spots open. It is then my choice if I pick a league that is nearly full, or half full or maybe nearly empty. or it runs 2 days a week or 7 days a week. I have the choice right there in front of me. 

Now look at the options it gave me. 1500, 1800, 0530, 1400, 1630, and then the last one is 2200. If I wanted to race at any of the other times then don't you think I would put that into the search filter. I don't want times I don't want to race showing up in the filter areas. (I honestly think this is the reason why so many managers give up so quick in the rookie leagues is that they don't get the option to race at the time they want.)

My mates league runs at 2200 time and has ten managers in the elite league and yet does not show up. My league runs at 2000 hours and don't show up. Yes mine is poor on numbers and just 7 elite managers at the moment. And yes it may not show up in the top 6 or top 10 search results and I can live with that if all the others in the search results are the same time. But when you do a search and only one is the time you want to race then that is frustrating. 

I would think the idea is to help these leagues that are smaller on number to at least have a chance to grow but if they never come up in the search filter how the heck do they grow. Probably less than 20% of managers go on the forum so that does not overly work advertising in the league forum. And this building bot teams to make your league show in the search filter is just silly in my view and does the game no good in the long run. 
medal 5000
5 years 268 days ago
I understand that you don't want pages of leagues but surely if you ask for a time only leagues with that time come up. I tried advertising my league but eventually gave up because no one is going to join if it doesn't appear in the league search and no one really looks for a new league on the forum. 
medal 5000
5 years 268 days ago
I would be in favor of pages for league search results, maybe 10 per page if you want to keep the initial search result small.
medal 4997 Moderator
5 years 264 days ago
I also don't think that pages of results would be needed, however expanding the list to show 10 or so leagues would be welcome, and preferring the most populated leagues is also the right choice. 
My problem with the search is that's still failing to enforce the filter settings properly, if I look for a time then I expect the results to be within +/- 30 minutes or 1 hour at most, and it's missing filters for race speed and length (if need be those could be condensed into one filter for race length in time as it's shown in the results). 

As it currently is most searches, like Taz' example, show exactly 0 usefull results to me as often 4-5 out of those 6 run at a wrong time and the remaining one(s) most likely wouldn't be the race type I'd want.
medal 5239 CEO & CTO
5 years 261 days ago
For those saying that it is failing to enforce the filters properly, it's actually reverting to using no filters. This is because it isn't finding enough results matching the search criteria. E.g. if there are *less than 6* leagues matching the criteria it will revert to no criteria at all, and it doesn't tell you it's doing this in the UI, which is quite misleading. At the very least, we need to add something to the UI to tell you what that has happened, e.g. "Could not find enough leagues matching the filters, reverting to no filters".

Also, there should be no issue populating lower level leagues at the rate the top leagues fill up. They quickly disappear from the list and get replaced with less populated ones until they are all full. It's only when you get to the very bottom of the list and there aren't even 6 results matching the search criteria that it will resort to removing filters. If there are still not enough results after that, the game generates some leagues itself.

If you're saying there are leagues there that should be showing up which are not, then that needs further investigation. To help me understand this, please send me the link to a league that you think should be showing up in the filters and then show me the filters you have selected with a screenshot, and I will use this information to get a clearer understanding.
medal 5000
5 years 261 days ago (Last edited by Taz Devil 5 years 261 days ago)
I have pulled two random leagues here and it shows how broke the search engine is
First league
League ID = World Tour

There are 11 managers, 22 cars in this league

I place the exact search information into the filter for this league to come up in the search engine.

As you can see World Tour does not show up in search. No league comes up for that time slot Plus you can see the bottom league on the search results only have one more manager than World Tour and it a midday time. This search should of gave the top 6 leagues needing manager for the time slot of 2200 hours and yet there are none showing even though that is the time world tour races at.

Second League
League ID = Scottish Elite League

This league has 31 managers in this one car league so should show up for sure.

Placed into filter the information that will bring the league up in the search. Side note is that 1500 hour my time is prime time in the UK which is 8pm GMT so all six in the search should show up as 1500 time as there are so many leagues at that time, Jack the way you explained this league should show up as it is only missing one manager.

As you can just one league shows up for the 1500 time slot and that only has 12 cars in it. Scottish elite league does not show up and it missing just one manager. This is prime racing time in UK and yet just one league shows up.

So looking at this two leagues it shows that the search engine is indeed broken and does not even do what you explained it does in an earlier post on this thread. 

If the search engine can not show results for the time managers want then what is the point of the search engine?
medal 5000
5 years 260 days ago (Last edited by Max Zuki 5 years 260 days ago)
The league which isn't active started to be indicated.

Please return it to the beginning.
medal 5000
5 years 259 days ago

I think there is a user who asks a lively league. 
There is a user who asks the league which doesn't have many cars, too. 

I want you to make sure that the user can choose.
medal 5000
5 years 259 days ago
I found my current league by using the forum as a source. 
Every manager has a vast list of leagues when you click on their icons. I know, it's not what every new player would do. And you are right! They won't....simply because they don't know any better.. 

Taz's comment ; "....if they never come up in the search filter how the heck do they grow."   So a lot of managers that have leagues straggling to meet the number of players needed to activate promotion opt for more aggressive ways to attract new managers to their leagues.  I get about 10+ invites a week to join a league from unfamiliar managers. 

This shouldn't be so complicated.  I should log in, enter my data into the search filter and presto! Instead we get a very limited list and in most cases outside the filter configuration the user has entered. 

"Hi guys, there is a misunderstanding here. The search is working as intended, it is designed to show only the 6 most populated leagues that match your search criteria, which are not full."


This is a global game but you only show us the 6 most populated leagues?  10/page? Just show us all leagues that fit the criteria the user enters into the search filter and let the user make their individual decision as to what league suits them the most.  Even with an error message, it wouldn't change the limited number of options the user has to go on.  

I wonder how many potential managers iGP is loosing because it doesn't provide a comprehensive list of leagues.  

medal 5000
5 years 259 days ago
When a rookie searches for a league, it's only a league from 0 cars to 4 cars to come out.
Neither an educator nor the user with competitive power are in such league, so it's futureless.
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