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[Req]:Transfer forum thread OP

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medal 5000
5 years 11 days ago
Hello iGP mods/staff,

I am the OP of this league forum thread:

If possible, I would like to transfer OP privileges to Gary Collyer. As agreed upon I will be retiring from iGP before February and I've already transferred league hosting to Gary last year, and would like to transfer our forum thread OP privileges to him if possible so he can update it. 

Otherwise we would likely have to go through the trouble of copy & pasting everything into a new thread. Even for Gary who's always on top in regards to his service to the iGP community, and especially towards the leagues he manages, I think that kind of menial task would be a bit too much to ask of him, hahaha.

medal 5002
5 years 11 days ago
yes will be bit of a nightmare as the posts with all the league stats have multiple different colours,boldness, and other things like that all on the same lines, and when you copy and paste all of that to a new thread or post it doesn't keep the colours/boldness etc its just plain and have to start all over again, it would be masses of work.
medal 5000 Super Mod
5 years 11 days ago
Hello both.
I don't think Mods can do this so I have escalated to support.
medal 5000
5 years 11 days ago
Much appreciated, Kev and support team. I understand there's little if no precedent for this, but a solution would be most convenient.

Otherwise dayum the copy and paste job will be worth paying for.
medal 5176
5 years 9 days ago
I don't think it's possible to do this without some magic from either Jack or another developer.

One solution is to have Gary write a new post by copying the content of the last post in the thread, then take each existing post he has in the thread and effectively shift the content of each post from the thread down one post by copying the next one up down into the one below. Then somebody from the mod team can delete the first post. Does that make sense? It's a bit early for me right now so hopefully it's clear.
medal 5000
5 years 8 days ago (Last edited by Vance Sim 5 years 8 days ago)
Sorry for the late reply, Yunus. Was away.

What I understand you're suggesting is copy & pasting everything 1 post down, i.e. copy & pasting content of the OP to the post below, and so on with each next post b4 we get you or another mod to delete the original OP? I imagine unfortunately it sounds easier to create a new thread in that case, but I'll check with Gary.

medal 5176
5 years 8 days ago
Yeah, that's right. It probably just makes more sense to create a new thread and carry over the OP post contents.
medal 5090
5 years 7 days ago
If you select, drag and drop the text the formatting will remain I believe. I did this for one of my threads a while back and I know the colours, images, font sizes etc defo carry over but I'm not sure about links.


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yep looks like this is probably the way to go. Links will carry forward. Just don't copy and paste, instead select, drag and drop and it'll go a lot faster. Obviously this won't help with having to make a new thread :/
medal 5000
5 years 7 days ago
Thanks for the advice, Leo. I tried it and the links do seem to carry forward with no issues. 

Gary seems to have gotten the jump though and has started to edit the posts on our thread. He came up with the decision to keep everything in the original thread, just moving the content between posts.

Thank you everyone for all the help.
medal 5004 Super Mod
5 years 7 days ago
Sounds like you found a workable solution, so I'll mark as solved. 
Enjoy your retirement, Nik ;)
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