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staff star rating update

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medal 5000
5 years 6 days ago
Hi I tried looking for this but couldnt find in anywhere. Im wondering if staff will progress to a higher star rating as they get better for example my CD is 32 so when i hired him his talent and moral were both 19 but his experience was only like 5 now he has 20 experience but is still only rated at level 14 and 4 stars (im now level 16) and the CD that I can buy that have a better star rating (level 16) arent as good as the CD i have now in terms of stats and there strengths and weaknesses as well. Is there a way to make his level match what his stats are or will he be stuck like that till i sell him then they update and someone else gets a really good CD and i get stuck with a bad 1 thats got bad strengths and weaknesses? That would suck if thats the case. Drivers update so why dont staff?

medal 5000 Super Mod
5 years 6 days ago
Staff don't improve or progress over time so you will have to replace them as your team levels up. 

Drivers progress to higher levels because you train them. Currently there are no training opportunities for staff. The only staff attribute you can influence is Morale by developing your Hospitality centre. However, this doesn't seem to have any positive effect on staff level or star rating so don't bother.
medal 5000
5 years 5 days ago
Ok so even though his talent is 19 exp 20 and moral 19 he will be stuck at level 14 forever when others with the same talent moral and exp are level 18?
medal 5000 Super Mod
5 years 5 days ago

Ok so even though his talent is 19 exp 20 and moral 19 he will be stuck at level 14 forever when others with the same talent moral and exp are level 18?

Yes, I'm afraid so. From my experience there appears to be no correlation between the attributes and the level/star rating. As you say, almost everyone would expect a 19/20/19 CD to be much higher than L14.

medal 5000
5 years 5 days ago
Ok that sucks but thanks for the help
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