Luke Collings medal 5000 4 years 324 days ago
We have a great League that's very active in Elite with managers turning up to races and advice and communication between players. It's a League where we try and bridge the gap between GMT time and lunch time in the USA, an Atlantic crossover League. The problem is we have a Pro level player stuck that we would like to include in Elite. The pro League hasn't taken off. It's very hard to encourage Rookie managers beyond a Season in Pro League. I send helpful messages out regularly, linking advice on the boards, but they don't seem to be read. Is there any way of moving a Pro League player mid Season to Elite? Our Elite League is frankly on fire this Season, such a shame it isn't a full house.
John Doe medal 4852 4 years 321 days ago
Hi @Luke
Exceptionally, since the manager is completely alone in the Pro category I will promote him in Elite.
Luke Collings medal 5000 4 years 320 days ago
Many thanks. That helps alot. We are desperate for more drivers at Elite Level if you can help?