Account One medal 5000 4 years 359 days ago (Last edited by
Account One 4 years 359 days ago)
Our league used to randomly have a large number of rookies come in when numbers were low. The last wave of drivers we have gotten was a little more than 5 months ago. Is this happening with anyone else or is it just due to the game not being popular or something
Just to do with the league selection system for rookies- it is VERY biased towards leagues with 25+ rookies in them. Keep inactive accounts until they start joining again, then start kicking for inactivity again.
Hope I helped! ?
Edit: Just seen your League. Try making other accounts and entering them into your League to get it featured again. You can use a made up email as if you lose them it won't matter, but you can access them with said 'email' (Maybe something like Fakefake@fakemail.com?)