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Transfer market = bad gambling

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medal 5000
4 years 291 days ago
Hi there
I have a question?

I have been looking for a LE Leading developer with 5 or 4.5 stars for 3 seasons.
+ Acceleration
- cooling

that's impossible!!! I've already spent a lot of tokens and believe me there is something lazy ...

there are amounts from 325 bn up to the 20-30 round I also offered but ü. I cannot and do not want 100 mi.

and yes, I know that there are big demands. But others have them too and I would like to become champion ... and yes, after about 700 races you can make such demands on your staff.
..... what about equality and fair play

believe me! something is wrong here !!! I have screenshots of it .. but do not know how to attach them here. I can send it to you by email.

either there is too much such staff on the market or I don't know ... I am in the account every hour and I don't find any ... I wish there was another way ..... please do something.

Greetings erich
medal 4852
4 years 289 days ago

If you don't find anything in the transfer list, in case you don't know, you can change the strength or weakness of your CD at a specific token cost.

To upload images to the forum you can't upload images from your pc, but you need to get a URL (web address) of the image. To get it go to .In the Home page you will find the words "Insert your image". In the window that will open inside the page, click on "choose images" and look for the image you saved previously. 
Open the file by clicking on it. The image will start loading automatically.

As soon as you load the image, a screen with the various URLs will open, use the direct link function, and copy the link.

At this point we can insert the copied link into the box insert an image

medal 5000
4 years 289 days ago
Ciao Bruno

No, I didn't know that, otherwise I would have issued the tokens right there and then would have been the technical developer LE of my dreams. But they want a lot of money for it ... considering how many tokens have already gone for unnecessary transfers ...

but still i find the transfer market and how it doesn't work well. You bid with and if you have too much money or tokens, like your bidder, you lose all tokens and stand without staff. Cool!! A game of chance and on unfair terms. How do you earn 325 bn not milliens but billions .... Crazy or not

medal 4852
4 years 288 days ago
Ciao @Enrico 

It's understandable what you wrote for this we adopted the possibility to change the strength and weakness of the CD.

Another possibility is to put them in selection, when it will be released by the manager you can buy it with 3 tokens.

medal 5000
4 years 288 days ago

Is it a recent addition that strength and weaknesses can be changed ?
It arrived on March 17th, with the safety car, found it in the changelog :D
I never saw this information before and it is a huge one since it can help develop better cars for next seasons.

Thanks for sharing it though, still useful whenever we learn it.
medal 4852
4 years 288 days ago

Is it a recent addition that strength and weaknesses can be changed ?
I never saw this information before and it is a huge one since it can help develop better cars for next seasons.

Thanks for sharing it though, still useful whenever we learn it.

Hello @Wamobou
Yes, it is recent of 17 March 2020 with the latest update.
medal 5000
4 years 287 days ago
ciao bruno

I don't know if I understood you correctly. You create a LE with the skills and I can buy it for 3token?
or is that meant differently. but for 3 token sounds good ...

better than nothing ... but I'm still not happy with the transfer situation ....

how did you mean that?

greetings erich
medal 4852
4 years 287 days ago
Hi ,

You can add a staff member using three dots. In this way, when his contract expires, you receive an email and you can buy him just using 3 tokens if he is still free.
medal 5000
4 years 287 days ago
Hi Erich,
Bruno meint, die Merkliste.
Scoute diverse Manager aus diversen Ligen und setzte Ihre LE's in deiner Merkliste, sobald der Vertrag ausläuft oder er entlassen wird, bekommst du In-Game eine Nachricht und kannst den LE für 3 Token direkt verpflichten.

Die Andere Variante ist, deinen Aktuellen LE zu bearbeiten und deine Stärke und Schwäche auszubessern.

medal 5000
4 years 287 days ago
Hi rosario
Aahh wieso sagt er das nicht gleich... spass bei Seite. Danke für die Übersetzung.. nette Ratschläge aber auch nicht mehr.. 

Der Transfer ist und bleibt ein Glücksspiel das nicht fair abläuft. Am schluss hast du kein personal, keine token.....

Das finde ich ist sehr unfair denn personal das du dir wünschst gibt es auch zu wehnig. Vorallem wenn es perohnen gibt die  325 Billionen zahlen können.. Wie oben im trade gepostet.. da stimmt doch etwas nicht

Ps: ich hab ungefähr 25-30 auf meiner merkliste.... das macht die sache nicht besser
medal 5000
4 years 287 days ago
Kann dich verstehen, deswegen ist des bearbeiten der Mitarbeiter eine gute Alternative.
Holst dir einen x-belibigen 5Sternen LE und änderst seine Stärke und Schwächen einfach ab =)
gibst max 109 Token aus und hast deinen gewünschten LE mit den richtigen Stärken und Schwächen
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