Hi guys.
I am wondering what is the real effect of engines on lap times. I have been using murk in the first part of the season and i was really satisfied with it, i was fast and consistent on different circuits.
Then i switched to wonder to save something in terms of fuel but i suddenly had a drop in performances and my championship gap went from hundred points to 0.
With two more race to go and my acceleration dp already at 200 i was wondering to switch engine again.
I now setted the engine supplier as tifosi since my acceleration parameter is already at 200 i can reach 200 even in braking with the +5 in that area.
Now the question is: it was a good idea to switch to tifosi or murk stays the best option even if i would lose any bonus point in acceleration having already a max dp in that field?
Engines provide significant performances even at maxed stats?