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Reward Points

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medal 5000
11 years 137 days ago
We have made a change to the reward point system.

Until today some people have been exploiting the system by running lots of free teams, accruing reward points & then transferring them all to a main account & buying 2D with these points.

From today free to play accounts are not able to send or receive reward points. They will continue to accrue them, but they can only be used for that particular team.

The system remains unchanged for 2D accounts.
medal 5000
11 years 137 days ago
Good move - I hadn't even thought of that kind of exploit.
Me - I'm basically too honest.
medal 5000
11 years 137 days ago
Jeez, some people...


medal 5000
11 years 136 days ago

I understand and agree that was necessary, but... that was one of the reasons for some people still be in the game. I think now some will leave after that "free month" over.

Personally I think it would be more important to the game, ending with multi-accounts.

I think that it would help for a better game development.. Only 1 team per persone will result in, less complaints (lots come from our multi-accounts), and all the rest come from that, and developers will have a better focus on what is the really important.

I leave the question:

When will end the multi-accounts?
medal 5000
11 years 136 days ago
In the iGP Word Series I'm giving reward points out after every season with the "after season awards
A lot of people in the league liked it and will this mean I must stop with it? I see there's a problem but isn't there another solution? Like not fift reward points to accounts with the same IP adress?
medal 5000
11 years 136 days ago
Unfortunately this is not going to be reversed
medal 5000
11 years 136 days ago
In the iGP Word Series I'm giving reward points out after every season with the "after season awards
A lot of people in the league liked it and will this mean I must stop with it? I see there's a problem but isn't there another solution? Like not fift reward points to accounts with the same IP adress?

:D Yuri, I won't mind whether season awards would be just honorable mention without actual reward point price that comes with it. They're just good fun and reward points can be bought at reasonable price, when needed and THAT is most important thing to game I think, that players actually buy their reward points to make developers effort worth it. Thanks! It's not worth cheating, that's like peeing to rice krispies you are going to eat yourself. Just use your money, it's best to everybody that way.
medal 5000
11 years 136 days ago
Unfortunately this is not going to be reversed

Andrew, if that not going to be reversed, one more reason to end with the multi-accounts, dont you think?

medal 5000
11 years 136 days ago
We are not against multiple accounts. I have more than one.

We just need to prevent people from exploiting the game.
medal 5000
11 years 136 days ago

Unfortunately this is not going to be reversed

Andrew, if that not going to be reversed, one more reason to end with the multi-accounts, dont you think?

You can't end multiple accounts after it's been running for so long. People have spent legitimate money with their credit cards on their accounts and some people have up to 3 subscriptions running at a time. Not to mention the countless hours that have gone into the progression of each account that people wouldn't be so free willing to give up.

How do you propose they even implement such a feature? If you forced everyone to hand pick a team to keep, or even two teams, the amount of time it would take to go through and delete/process/check IP addresses for all these accounts individually would take forever - The sort of time that the iGP dev's don't have to spare at the moment. Then you're stuck with having to give people refunds if they have subscriptions on more accounts than they're able to keep which takes a hell of a lot of effort and time.

To add to the point, how would it even be done? How can you work around people who play from the same location on the same connection? My friend James who got me into iGP played from work with his colleagues. All four of them had more than 2 teams each, and often shared computers while racing if one computer was being used for something at work. So even if you limited the amount of teams per person to certain computer specifications on IP addresses (like quake live does), or even by IP addresses by themselves, how do you get around situations like this?

Then there's still ways to get around the problem any way. I have two internet connections at home with 5 computers in my house, if you started limiting accounts to computers or IP address some people will still be able to get around the system. Then there is proxies aswell.

I don't think it's as simple as people think it is (you're not the first person to mention it)

medal 5235 CEO & CTO
11 years 136 days ago (edited 11 years 136 days ago)
This is off-topic, but we don't want to block multiple accounts from "the same place" because the only way to police it is by IP. The whole idea is unenforceable, and there are some leagues which are built up entirely of co-workers in the same office, sharing the same IP address. To start blocking it would mean shutting down such leagues, or having to build and maintain some kind of "white-list" of trusted accounts, and we'd never know who was lying and who was telling the truth about their circumstances.

Some other games present a facade that they can actually police it, but they can't. Anyone smart enough can always find a way around such a policy (it would take all of about 30 seconds to fool such a system, just launch a browser like Tor which uses a proxy). Frankly at some level anything can be hacked or worked around, and some things just aren't worth the hassle of resisting, this being one of them. Instead of getting in to a convoluted process of micro-managing people and building white-lists, which is a lot of work for no reward, we took the approach of having an open system. One where multiple accounts are allowed and our energy is focused on plugging loopholes in our own systems instead of telling you what you can and can't do with the game.

For those of you with multiple accounts, you have nothing to worry about. We're not going to change that policy.
medal 5000
11 years 133 days ago (edited 11 years 133 days ago)
I remember that at first, everyone got 2 points for each race. That was a bit more fair because right now you have to do 600 races (which is 2 years!) to get a small reward. I mean, activity should be rewarded a bit more. For example giving 1 point for qualifying to the race and 1 point for finishing it. Teams, who have 0% parts and don't qualify get 0 points, something like that.
medal 5000
11 years 133 days ago
+1 Pedro
medal 5000
11 years 133 days ago
I agree with Pedro
medal 5000
11 years 133 days ago
i agree with pedro also

medal 5000
11 years 133 days ago
I also agree
medal 5000
11 years 133 days ago
+1 to Pedro as well.
medal 5000
11 years 133 days ago
I used to buy rewards points and then send them to my B team to upgrade the health of the B team drivers. I did this because when I tried to buy rewards points with the B team account the purchace system would nor recognize that the account was different from my paid account. Thus I would have to set up more than one PayPal account to buy Rewards for each team I had. I didn't want to do this.

My guess is that usually the free accounts do not earn money from the rewards system. But if they did they will no longer.

I hate exploiters! But every game has them. It is sad that this kind of measure has to be taken.

I would prefer that every account has to be paid for but that B teams would be discounted to the owner of a fully paid account.
medal 5235 CEO & CTO
11 years 133 days ago (edited 11 years 133 days ago)
I remember that at first, everyone got 2 points for each race. That was a bit more fair because right now you have to do 600 races (which is 2 years!) to get a small reward. I mean, activity should be rewarded a bit more. For example giving 1 point for qualifying to the race and 1 point for finishing it. Teams, who have 0% parts and don't qualify get 0 points, something like that.

Subscribers get 2 reward points per race, free users get 1. This is written on the guidelines. 1 month for free is no "small reward", it's the biggest one available.

Purchasing one subscription gives you 290 reward points, and inviting friends who subscribe also gets you lots more reward points. There are even free ways to get to 600 reward points via referrals. If you mean it's hard to get everything for free, that's fine by me. It might be desirable, but there would be no iGP if we did that. We have costs to cover and want to build and invest in the future.
medal 5000
11 years 133 days ago

I remember that at first, everyone got 2 points for each race. That was a bit more fair because right now you have to do 600 races (which is 2 years!) to get a small reward. I mean, activity should be rewarded a bit more. For example giving 1 point for qualifying to the race and 1 point for finishing it. Teams, who have 0% parts and don't qualify get 0 points, something like that.

Subscribers get 2 reward points per race, free users get 1. This is written on the guidelines.

Few months ago EVERYONE got 2 points per race. Maybe it was a bug, but that was the case then.
Following was just an idea to perhaps improve the current rewards system.
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