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Hall of Fame - Reputation for winning Elite

Should we remove reputation for winning the Elite championship?

45.79% (125)
Yes, remove it when the poll closes and retroactively remove the impact it has had on HoF Season 2
10.26% (28)
Yes, but only remove it when HoF Season 3 begins on August 1st
43.96% (120)
No, don't remove it
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medal 5239 CEO & CTO
4 years 232 days ago
Voting will close in 48 hours on July 24th at 12:00 GMT. This will ensure that if option 1 wins the poll, at least 1 week of movement will still occur under the new system in HoF Season 2.

Should we remove the additional reputation bonus gained for winning an Elite championship? As it can potentially unbalance the standings in the Hall of Fame.

We have the capability to disable this immediately and to remove any reputation anyone has gained from winning championships during HoF Season 2. Before making any changes that could dramatically alter the Top 100 in the middle of an ongoing season, we wanted to put it to a poll.

Please reserve this thread for discussion of the poll and options on the poll only.
medal 5000
4 years 232 days ago
Hmmm a tricky one, I think removing it will definitely even out the field and mean those who play in more competitive leagues, and don't necessarily win, will be able to compete in the HoF on a fair playing field, but we do need to reward the winners... IMO reducing the impact but not removing it would be best... But obviously it isn't an option ?
medal 5000
4 years 232 days ago
Voting will close in 48 hours on July 24th at 12:00 GMT. This will ensure that if option 1 wins the poll, at least 1 week of movement will still occur under the new system in HoF Season 2.

Should we remove the additional reputation bonus gained for winning an Elite championship? As it can potentially unbalance the standings in the Hall of Fame.

We have the capability to disable this immediately and to remove any reputation anyone has gained from winning championships during HoF Season 2. Before making any changes that could dramatically alter the Top 100 in the middle of an ongoing season, we wanted to put it to a poll.

Please reserve this thread for discussion of the poll and options on the poll only.

I saw no point on removing additional reputation bonus after winning the elite championship. Additional reputation bonus after winning the elite championship is an irreplaceable award & achievement for every single managers in this game. Besides, most of everyone will taking less serious on fighting for the elite championship if additional reputation bonus get removed from the game.
medal 5442 Super Mod
4 years 232 days ago
I'm personally against removing the existing end of season reward, but if it is voted to be removed, I think there should still be a reward for the Elite champion in order to combat some of the issues that Lai has raised in the previous reply. 

Whether the Elite champion gets a money reward (as currently seen in the HoF) or bonus tokens, I feel that a reward should still be in place for the champion, in order to maintain the competitive nature of iGP Manager's Elite tiers. 
medal 5041 SUPPORT AGENT
4 years 232 days ago
We have to give a reward to that players who are fighting for winning the Elite Championship. The extra reputation is a motivation for many players.

Greetings! :-)
medal 5000
4 years 232 days ago
Easy decision for me here: it needs to be removed, in conjunction with uncapped Reputation, and a roll back on halving the Reputation after every calendar month, in order for the Reputation score to reflect more accurately who are the 'best' players in iGP Manager.

With a removal of this Reputation bonus, you no longer encounter the scenario (which I am sure a few of you have also seen in various leagues) where some managers will purposely go to 'weaker' leagues, win an easy championship and pick up the additional Reputation bonus to inflate their Reputation ratings.

And as we have all seen, it leads to a scenario, over time, whereby nearly every manager reaches the top band in the Reputation scores, because of the +100 Reputation bonuses for the Top 2 in 2 car leagues, and I believe Top 4 in 1 car leagues. (Some 9500+ managers back in the previous system were not even aware of some fundamental basics of race management such as dirty air and track evolution through races)

It would bring the system in line with an Elo rating system, a system which is nearly universal in use through many real world ranking rating systems, and eSports gaming rating systems (instead of the current Harkness system in use, which was precisely dropped from most sport rating systems because it had a tendency to inflate and skew ratings towards the top end of the scale)

Of course, it won't be as popular to remove these +100 Reputation bonuses (afterall no one wants something that they have been getting for a while to be taken away)

But it is absolutely needed in order for the iGP Manager Reputation ratings to have any sporting credibility. Perhaps championship trophy graphics for the Top3 in a Championship, visibly for other managers to see, and showing the number of times a manager has acquired this championship trophy, can compensate this.
medal 5000
4 years 232 days ago
IMO, remove the whole numeric reputation thing ?
Especially after the "new hall of fame" update which just screwed numbers. Many people had reached 10K in the past but it doesn’t show as the "highest reputation ever obtained" and they will never make it again with the new reputation system. Only the ones on 10K at the very exact moment of the update can show 10K as the highest ever achieved. And that's NOT FAIR to say the least. So just remove the whole numeric reputation thing from the game. And just add a very deep statistics page rich of details to each managers profile in which we can see what they achieved and WHERE, filter per tier and different leagues and others stats. That would make a more reliable and truthful reputation for managers in the game for sure. 
medal 5000
4 years 232 days ago
Voting will close in 48 hours on July 24th at 12:00 GMT. This will ensure that if option 1 wins the poll, at least 1 week of movement will still occur under the new system in HoF Season 2.

Should we remove the additional reputation bonus gained for winning an Elite championship? As it can potentially unbalance the standings in the Hall of Fame.

We have the capability to disable this immediately and to remove any reputation anyone has gained from winning championships during HoF Season 2. Before making any changes that could dramatically alter the Top 100 in the middle of an ongoing season, we wanted to put it to a poll.

Please reserve this thread for discussion of the poll and options on the poll only.

1) season lenght is different between leagues so removing the fix 100 rep makes sense. 

2) the fix 100 rep is atm the only reward for winning elite championship so it has to be replaced by something worth fighting for
3) if you really want to even the playing field, you should also take the number of races per week into consideration, altering the rep calculation seems the only solution to me
4) quotes above about strong managers beating weak managers, true. But you can never take this into consideration. No single method of calculation will satisfy the critics imo

My conclusion: rep calculation needs some tweaks, removing the gains from winning championship and scaling to number of races per week. Award for winning championship should be revised.
medal 5350
4 years 232 days ago
Yes should be removed, would be a first step, to a better System. At the Moment top players in Top leagues who finish 2nd or 3rd have a Big disadvantage.

But that is not enough, i am dominating the best league in igp since the new system was implemented and i am not on the 1. Place. My Top competitors are not even in the first 100. So the overall system does not work too Well.
I think Peters suggestions would be a better system
medal 5000
4 years 232 days ago (Last edited by Casagrande LA 4 years 232 days ago)
I think the manager that win the championship and the runners up (or 4 managers in 01 car league) deserve an extra points, like the current system do. 

The huge problem about the HoF is that the system only will favor the league that race every day. I've been playing in a league that race once a week, and other that race three times a week. So we don't have any chance to appear in this system. So, I really don't know what to say...
medal 5000
4 years 232 days ago
Yes should be removed, would be a first step, to a better System. At the Moment top players in Top leagues who finish 2nd or 3rd have a Big disadvantage.

But that is not enough, i am dominating the best league in igp since the new system was implemented and i am not on the 1. Place. My Top competitors are not even in the first 100. So the overall system does not work too Well.
I think Peters suggestions would be a better system

Also because the guy that is top (Igor Lima) is in his own league all the teams are his with high reps making his main one finishing 1st and 2nd every race, racing everyday with probably a 15 race calender for 2 x 100 point bonuses a month.

@Casagrande LA
The huge problem about the HoF is that the system only will favor the league that race every day. I've been playing in a league that race once a week, and other that race three times a week. So we don't have any chance to appear in this system. So, I really don't know what to say...

Yeah i race 6 times a week rather than 7 days a week so its very difficult to compete with 7 races per week leagues unfortunately, a calculation based on number of races would be good.
medal 5329
4 years 232 days ago (Last edited by Jhymmi Boy 4 years 232 days ago)
I believe that you can maintain the reputation. But you can also earn money and tokens or just one of the two.

And if you take it out there has to be a staggered prize pool among the top three which is money, tokens.

Because you think you win Prize for Victory, so you will not win the prize money at the end of the championship?

I think it's fair to earn a reward
medal 5041 Super Mod
4 years 232 days ago
Hi everyone! 

"Should we remove reputation for winning the Elite championship?"

— No, don't remove it. 

I think it is an extra motivation for the players and a reward at the same time. If you work hard all season and manage to be the best, or even have fought and finished second, you deserve to be rewarded.
medal 5350
4 years 232 days ago (Last edited by Bastian Ba 4 years 232 days ago)
Yes should be removed, would be a first step, to a better System. At the Moment top players in Top leagues who finish 2nd or 3rd have a Big disadvantage.

But that is not enough, i am dominating the best league in igp since the new system was implemented and i am not on the 1. Place. My Top competitors are not even in the first 100. So the overall system does not work too Well.
I think Peters suggestions would be a better system

Also because the guy that is top (Igor Lima) is in his own league all the teams are his with high reps making his main one finishing 1st and 2nd every race, racing everyday with probably a 15 race calender for 2 x 100 point bonuses a month.

@Casagrande LA
The huge problem about the HoF is that the system only will favor the league that race every day. I've been playing in a league that race once a week, and other that race three times a week. So we don't have any chance to appear in this system. So, I really don't know what to say...

Yeah i race 6 times a week rather than 7 days a week so its very difficult to compete with 7 races per week leagues unfortunately, a calculation based on number of races would be good.

Thats an explanation why he is in front of me:( 

But anyhow the system needs improvement, as you said at the Moment the Champions, leagues which race everyday and leagues with a short calender have an unfair advantage. 
Your idea would improve it, but is not enough in my eyes, because when I look at my Top competitors they are without a doubt in the Top 20 of All managers here and one is now on the 87th place and the other not in the first 100
medal 5000
4 years 232 days ago
you just have to look at the names of the first in the standings to understand that the system is all wrong. it's as if you want to make a ranking of the best football teams in the world .... with this system a Chinese league team turns out to be stronger than barcelona only because it always wins in its league, but in reality it is poorer than a team relegated to the Spanish league. Come on Bastian I cheer for you .....
medal 5000
4 years 231 days ago
I probably have no right posting in this thread because if it was up to me, HoF would be scrapped completely and the recourses used to create other aspects of the game. 
I know there are plenty of people who care about being top of the class but I don't. I'm sorry, but I just don't see the point, I'm happy racing in my league, trying to win races and trying to finish as high in the championship as I can. I just don't care what happens in other leagues, sorry.
I once saw a post from someone saying how pleased they were that they were in a particular position in th HoF (I won't say which because they'll know who they are) they then bragged that they were where they were because in his league, the one he hosted, he'd managed to get it to the point that he won every race and every championship. 
I mean seriously, what's the point? Its just an ego-w*** as is the HoF, really.
I know I'll get sagged off for these comments but I don't care, I just wanted to make the point that time and money could be used in far more important aspects of the game. 
medal 5000
4 years 230 days ago (Last edited by Giu Ronini 4 years 230 days ago)
Hello iGP.

I'm not the more experienced manager (i've played in 2017 and then come back more seriously in 2020).

I like iGP a lot but from my point of view the HoF is a bad ranking system that do not allows the managers who are fighting stronger teams to be rewarded as they should. The best way is to find the weakest league and stay there. 

Honestly i do not bother with this system : it is irrevelant as it is not really showing who is the best in this game. 

I think you should work on a Hall of Trophy instead(with cool graphics for each race Trophy) and a little reward for each one. 

Or a complete stats overview that every player can see with the nbr of fastest laps, x-win in a row, x time world champion and in x or y league at what moment, and so an so.

Anyway, thanks the dev' for your hard work. 

medal 5001 Super Mod
4 years 230 days ago
I voted no, because it's the only reward a championship winner gets, and removing that feels just plain wrong. But I do think the runner-up (and 3rd and 4th in a 1-car league) should not receive that exact same reward. That should be reduced imo.
medal 5011 Super Mod
4 years 230 days ago
Well said Gert, reduced, yes, but not completely removed.

I think we have to vote keep it, in order to try to change it later.
medal 5239 CEO & CTO
4 years 230 days ago (Last edited by Jack Basford 4 years 230 days ago)
We really wanted to ensure the accuracy of this vote before changing anything. Having reviewed the results and removing shared devices/IPs from the results, the votes actually came out differently to that shown in the poll.

The winner after filtering the votes was actually that "no", you don't want us to remove it. I thought this was an ironic outcome, as you'd assume those with multiple accounts would be those in favour of anything which enables farming, but the more you remove duplicate accounts from the results the more you get a decisive victory to keep gains for winning a championship.

I notice that the consensus among many posts is that there should be some kind of prize, and since reputation is that prize currently, the votes were that we should keep a reputation prize. But maybe in future we will consider alternatives to reputation for this. Ideally, it should be something that isn't likely to skew performance within a league, or the winners will just keep winning. In that sense, reputation fits the bill quite well, but there are many other rewards that could be given.

EDIT: Also, to Peter Man, I have not had time to set aside to investigate new methods of calculating reputation but your suggestion is still in my notes to investigate when the time becomes available.
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