Ovih Sapiens medal 5071 SUPPORT AGENT 4 years 173 days ago
Hi Kopete,
The rules says this:
"The ballast is used for teams that exceed the regulated level for the category, so they do not have an advantage against the rest. In each league, the ballast is added at 1kg for each level that exceeds the maximum allowed level, plus an additional 1kg. For example: a team that has 3 levels above the category level limit would carry 4kg of ballast (3x1 + 1), a team that has 7 levels above would use 8kg (7x1 + 1) and so on."
The max level in Rookie is 8, so if you're level 9 then you have ballast. Being in Pro with a level 9 you don't have ballast. But, if you have a team above level 14... Ballast appears again.
If you don't promote from Rookie to Pro, the ballast will continue in your team.
Greetings! :-)