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Empty league

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medal 5038
4 years 197 days ago
I was once the cohost of a well established League 'Fighting Spirit' recently we've been forced to make a tough decision and moved to a new league however there are still a few real accounts left in the Fighting Spirit. 7 in total, 6 Elite and Josh Smith of Pro. I would like to have these 7 Accounts moves to another league where they might benefit more from having more competition. Having a league full of fake accounts is never a good idea. Is this possible and once done could Fighting Spirit then be shut down entirely? I know it's perhaps a long shot but I would prefer the Managers left there to have a chance to compete to the best of their abilities. They are decent folk and certainly great racers they just need a more competitive home than just 7 people. 
medal 5381 Super Mod
4 years 197 days ago
Each team would need to move to the new league themselves. The support team don't move people into new leagues. Sorry. 

Once everyone leaves, providing nobody else enters the league, Fighting Spirit will be closed automatically after a few days due to inactivity. 

medal 5038
4 years 197 days ago
ah, ok, thx
medal 5381 Super Mod
4 years 197 days ago
You're welcome. I'll mark this thread as solved.
medal 5000
4 years 197 days ago
Unfortuantley mike the league has lost players due to having a host who isn't even in the league and so far as host hasn't even posted for new players, and has said he doesn't want to be in the league as has joined a new league but won't hand hosting duties over to people willing to advertise the league and want to grow it.

Why not let the decent folk as you say run the league?

So let the decent folk as you call them run the league 

It wouldn't be a dead league if you allowed us to run it. Personally I can't believe mods allow people to host leagues when not even in it and clearly from your post here want it to be shut not really a good host is it.
medal 5038
4 years 197 days ago
It would still be a League with it's true host if not for the attitude of a few of it's members, Ironically the few still remaining, kinda says something. Paul and me merged our original leagues into Fighting Spirit at Season 2, it's been a Long road to get to this point, and it's been a hard decision to make, but one we were forced to.
medal 5381 Super Mod
4 years 197 days ago
Hello again,
If the host has left the league, another player will be able to take over hosting after 14 days (providing they have done 20 races in their current tier.)
medal 5000
4 years 197 days ago
Hi Connor unfortunately every few days they keep swapping host between mike and other ex players they have now unfortunately removed us left in the league a
medal 5538
4 years 197 days ago
Can you please put me back in the league ,just got kicked out ,also can we remove host now.
medal 5000
4 years 197 days ago (Last edited by Marty Montoya 4 years 197 days ago)
Hi Connor unfortunately every few days they keep swapping host between mike and other ex players they have now unfortunately removed us left in the league a

Hi Connor, this is true, I too have just been kicked by this guy. He's the host and he's not even in our league any longer due to a certain few individuals who were not too keen on some of our current members who are genuinely here to race, and so set out to cause as much disharmony within the league as possible in an attempt to divide us all, which they succeeded to a certain extent because they have managed to lure away some of our friend's under the false pretences that they are completely innocent in all of this. The remaining players that were left, before Mike kicked us all, we're genuinely here to race and had the league in their best interest, unlike the disruptive players that were here beforehand who have now left to create their own new league. 

medal 5038
4 years 197 days ago
I challenge the Devs to ask every Person who is in our new League if they were 'lured under false Pretenses' this is exactly the attitude what I didnt want if you were going to keep the league, clearly none of you can handle it, so it's closed and that is that.
medal 5538
4 years 197 days ago
Mike you nasty nasty person ,never had the ball to tell us you are going to kick us ,sums you up as a person.
medal 5000
4 years 197 days ago
NNobody said anyone in your new league was lured unfer false pretenses, yet more lies from you mike, I find it disgusting that you have been allowed to remove people from a league you have admitted you don't want to be in surely this is something the mods should look at a total abuse of power of someone closing a league down with active players in.

As coñnor said above even mods don't have that power I find t crazy that they allow someone not in a league to remove others and close a league people wanted to race in 
medal 5038
4 years 197 days ago


Hi Connor unfortunately every few days they keep swapping host between mike and other ex players they have now unfortunately removed us left in the league a

Hi Connor, this is true, I too have just been kicked by this guy. He's the host and he's not even in our league any longer due to a certain few individuals who were not too keen on some of our current members who are genuinely here to race, and so set out to cause as much disharmony within the league as possible in an attempt to divide us all, which they succeeded to a certain extent because they have managed to lure away some of our friend's under the false pretences that they are completely innocent in all of this. The remainding players that were left, before Mike kicked us all, we're genuinely here to race and had the league in their best interest, unlike the disruptive players that were here beforehand who have now left to create their own new league. 


medal 5000
4 years 197 days ago

I challenge the Devs to ask every Person who is in our new League if they were 'lured under false Pretenses' this is exactly the attitude what I didnt want if you were going to keep the league, clearly none of you can handle it, so it's closed and that is that.

Mike, I believe that the players who left to join you are still under the impression that you are all innocent in all the sneaky and underhanded disruption that had been going on before you all left. I only asked you politely to submit to the fact that our league was now in a healthy position and ready to move forward with the genuine players we had who were here to race and so to graciously hand over the position of host like a true gent. Instead, you went and kicked all the remaining players who were ready to bring this league back to normality and without the surreptitious interference by those intent on destroying it.
medal 5000
4 years 197 days ago
I have logged a complaint with the moderators the dummy accounts were entered into the league to rebuild it, in line with the recommendations of the guide on league building in this forum. the entire league membership was kept fully informed of of the reasoning behind this in league chat. It was only necessary to to the actions of Mike Carter Molly Perfect and Paul Skyeladder. 
medal 5538
4 years 197 days ago
We want the league back ,let’s hope the moderator can do that, and put all the proper people who want to race back in the league please .

We also want mike kicked as host ASAP and I vote for Andy Reid to become host.

Can you please do this.
medal 5381 Super Mod
4 years 197 days ago
Hello everyone,

The moderator team is investigating the issues raised in this thread. Therefore, I am going to close the thread. 
If you have any further comment/information about the thread, you can mail me in-game. 

Thank you 
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