The main advantage of multiple CDs was negated with the design range update in March 2020. Before this, in Elite the range was 0-100 with a start of season design cap of 50dp in any one attribute. The increase in number of races per season from the old fixed 17 also reduced the advantage.
Back then a CD would generate 3.75 strength / 1.25 weakness / 2.50 remaining 6 so it was possible to hit the 50 design cap in a CD strength by having the CD active for only 7 of the 17 races. If you used the CD more than this then you were wasting design points because you were exceeding the cap. During this iteration of the game it was almost impossible to be properly competitive without using at least two, but better three, CDs per season. This way you could get three design attributes up to the cap.
Fast forward to today, the CDs generate fewer next season dp per race, the seasons are potentially longer, the Elite range is now 0-200 and if there is still a cap in place (it might be 100) it is impossible to achieve, even in a 22 race season.
So the main benefit no longer exists. But many managers still employ multiple CDs because you get a boost of approx. 10% if you research your CD strength.
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Car's next year design