Joe Holmes medal 5000 13 years 99 days ago
For some unknown reason the \'stopping in the pits\' bug has come back. My drivers were stopping behind people in pits for like 2seconds waiting for them to set off.

Andrew Wiseman medal 5000 13 years 97 days ago
Sorry about that! I hadn\'t completely solved this last time I worked on it. There are still situations where they will stop and wait when they really shouldn\'t. It should be quite easy to sort so I\'ll try to have it done in the next few days.

Alin Costrasuc medal 5000 13 years 97 days ago
Totally off-topic, but there are not coming togethers in this game or spins ?

Andrew Wiseman medal 5000 13 years 97 days ago
Alin, why not just start a new thread, especially since you have a good point?
To answer it here anyway: There are spins and crashes, the problem is it\'s difficult to know that they\'ve happened when they do. Having said that it does seem like serious accidents are far too uncommon. There used to be one or two retirements due to some kind of accident every race.