Eric Boutin medal 5001 2 years 85 days ago (Last edited by
Eric Boutin 2 years 84 days ago)
i would like to know how reputation is calculated. i am in a league that i just joined with only 2 races to go. most teams if not all are better than mine. my drivers are young and not fully trained and i have level 14 car compared to others that have level 20. i lost alot reputation points in the first race in that league because i finished 12 but i dont understand why i lose so much reputation when actually its a good result for a weaker team with weaker car and less car points. in the help section , they explain that we must be against stronger teams so that our reputation will be better regarding the level of the car and such but it is actually not giving me reputation and i even lose some. what should i do to gain reputation then ?