Davide Merli medal 5000 9 years 105 days ago
Someone can help me?
What does it means?
You have 19 of 107 designers available
why only 19????

Tjerk Korving medal 5000 9 years 105 days ago
Because you likely have assigned the other 88 to design parts.

Davide Merli medal 5000 9 years 104 days ago
but i have not 19 designers available.. O.O
in the staff windows i see 107 designer assigned. Not 88. the 19 where r they?

Tjerk Korving medal 5000 9 years 104 days ago
In the staff window you assign staff and as you said, there are 107 assigned.
In the Design window you can assign those 107 designers to work on different parts, likely you only assigned 88 there and 19 are not doing anything. So if you want to use those 19 to do other things than designing, you will need to un-assign these in the staff window.

Ying Gale medal 5000 9 years 56 days ago
So at what level do you start looking to get a better designer and what should you look for in hiring new one ?

Tjerk Korving medal 5000 9 years 56 days ago
As you're pretty much building your team up during a first season, I would do that afterwards going into a second season. So guess that's about lvl5-ish by that time.
What to look for is experience, preferably at 20 as a designer gives it's best at that level.