Nelson Kumaga medal 5000 9 years 12 days ago (edited 9 years 12 days ago)
If I try to use 2D I get this message: Application blocked by Java .Reason: Your security setting have blocked an application with an expired or not-yet-valid certificate running. So I can't use it obviously. Java has removed the security option medium. So this might be the reason.

Tim Dennis medal 5000 9 years 12 days ago
same thing is happening to me too as we speak, not going to pay for the 2D viewer if i cant access it!!!!!!!

James Greer medal 5000 9 years 12 days ago
Run the site on http:// and not https:// it will run.

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 9 years 12 days ago
Same thing happened to me but it's a pretty easy fix. Open the Java control panel, go to the "Security" tab and add
http://race.igpmanager.com to the "Exception Site List".
I hope this helps.

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 9 years 11 days ago
This worked for me earlier this evening when I was experiencing exactly the same problems with Java as explained by Nelson.

S cargo medal 5507 9 years 11 days ago (edited 9 years 11 days ago)
Looks like most of us have got this issue, thanks for the help
Tried it and it works - tee hah!!!

Tiago Fernandes medal 5000 9 years 11 days ago
Do like kevin and still dont working

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 9 years 11 days ago
So after adding iGP to the exception list, when you launch 2D view this window comes up, you have to tick the box to accept the risk then click "Run" and everything should work as before.

Shaun Prior medal 5000 9 years 11 days ago
i also had this problem and the above posts do infact work as i also had to add igp to my security settings in order to join the races

dan ruglio medal 5000 9 years 11 days ago (edited 9 years 10 days ago)
Tiago, are you using Firefox? It won't work on any other.
Sorry to ask but Kelvin posts are ok to make it work :(

Kevin Taylor medal 5000 9 years 10 days ago
Dan and Tiago.
This is working for me on both Firefox and Internet Explorer... Can't remember which version of IE but it's the one that ships with Windows 8.1

dan ruglio medal 5000 9 years 10 days ago
oh ok, didn't know about IE.

Tiago Fernandes medal 5000 9 years 10 days ago
I use firefox and still the "security warning" problem... :(

Cole Trickle medal 5000 9 years 10 days ago
Jack, afaiks, the java-applet has to be served via HTTPS! Otherwise we are unable to configure Java to accept your content. This seems to be new in Java 8u20.

Jack Basford medal 5241
CEO & CTO 9 years 9 days ago
Out of interest, how many of you with problems were using the free viewer? I've just updated it to use a https link, so hopefully this resolves the issues. The free viewer wasn't using https, but the 2D viewer was.
Sorry you are still having to live with Java on the live site; we're working flat-out to finish the new game and bring you the new WebGL viewer, which we have been using on the closed beta for nearly two weeks now.
Testing is going well, and the update is coming soon. You won't have to put up with this Java mess for much longer!

Tim Dennis medal 5000 9 years 9 days ago
Out of interest, how many of you with problems were using the free viewer? I've just updated it to use a https link, so hopefully this resolves the issues. The free viewer wasn't using https, but the 2D viewer was.
Sorry you are still having to live with Java on the live site; we're working flat-out to finish the new game and bring you the new WebGL viewer, which we have been using on the closed beta for nearly two weeks now.
Testing is going well, and the update is coming soon. You won't have to put up with this Java mess for much longer!
The sooner the better jack, glad to hear the testing is going well

Jack Basford medal 5241
CEO & CTO 9 years 9 days ago
A few hours ago now, I re-read the original post and realised this was because our code signing certificate expired. I have just paid to renew it, and once it is processed the issues you've been experiencing in the last few days will stop happening.
The full story:
I assumed that we could let the certificate expire and the applet would still function (this would have been the case just a few months ago, and it was the case on the last renewal we had). Renewing a certificate used to only be required if we were releasing a new applet, or a new version, as recently as a few months ago, and this was the understanding we were operating on when we didn't renew it. As we didn't plan to continue using Java or make any new releases, we let the certificate expire.
The problem is now most browsers have ditched Java, those that continue to support it have placed ever stricter requirements on it, that mean we must pay to renew our certificate for an entire year, even if we only plan to use it for another few weeks. It's set us back $200 just to keep Java going for a few weeks... annoying... but necessary.
Hopefully by tonight they will have processed the renewal, which I purchased hours ago when I realised the issue, and your viewers will work just as they did a week ago.