James Greer medal 5000 8 years 331 days ago (edited 8 years 331 days ago)
I wanted Jack or one of the dev team to take a look at Monaco & to fix the push levels to make them more sensible so that you could use more than just super soft at the track, as soft tyres are only useful for 13laps then you can't push anymore to get heat in them as you are already on the highest push level. Full wets you can never get them grey optimal temp they are always cold blue on highest push level too, but I got out numbered too many people saying Monaco is fine the way it is :P
James, you may be in luck. In the new iGP we've adjusted the effectiveness of Softs, Mediums, and Hards to make them more competetive with Super Softs. During closed beta testing this resulted in more varied strategies which I found interesting. We will be looking forward to gauging tester's feedback on this change during the open beta. I'll look into Wets not warming up on highest push level - that's not right.
Regarding weather - I think the the weather gauge in the new iGP is an improvement and clearer to read. Incidentally, the weather station has been removed from the new iGP.
On the TD providing advice during the race, I like the idea personally. Going forward we want to make iGP more interactive.
Great Ricky!
Full wets in Monaco it doesn't matter if you do 8laps or 18laps the tyres never seem to heat up.
The scaling of the push levels there needs to be pulled back a bit so that instead of being on push level 4 in dry you are on push level 2 allowing other tyres to take to the track using other push levels.
It will also change full wets from push level 5 to push level 3 allowing you to move to push 4 or 5 if need to push more to get heat in the tyres :)
In case you are scratching your head thinking what you on about push level 4 or 5 lol
push level 1•Lowest -We must bring the car home, no excuses
push level 2•Low -Be strategic & play it safe
push level 3•Average -Consistency is key – stick to a competitive pace
push level 4•Hard - Be Aggressive & push hard
push level 5•Hardest - Take big risks, we have nothing to lose