Leo Yeo medal 5000 8 years 282 days ago
I made this post because I want people to share their epic or "unbelievable" finishes. I just completed one of the best races of my career so far. I was racing in Italy. Only my 7th race so far in IGP. I got the setup spot on and put ss for my 1st stint. Qualifying finished and my top driver was in 5th!He was a level 3!All the other teams had level 6 or something like that so I knew that some overtaking was going to happen. During the race my first stint was really short and I went onto softs. Almost every car got a puncture and we were in 3rd and 4th! I was doing the moonwalk in my living room until I realised my tyres were going off. way off. Both drivers went to the pits on the last lap and came out in 5th and 9th. two cars in front got punctures and we got 3rd and 9th in the end. Although some would say this was luck, I would also agree
So anyway, share your unprecidented position finishes! I would like to hear your stories!

James Pinsker medal 5000 8 years 282 days ago
All I really have, other than a few races in rookie and pro which don't remain too significant to me, is bad luck.
I'm not going to go into too much detail. But going into the final race of S35 in Magyar F1 elite, I was leading the champ by a good 24 points. The previous race I was on to win the title early but I pitted late for intermediates on a drying track which turned to be the wrong decision. In Abu Dhabi, I had literally the definition of NO pace for some reason, running around outside the top 10 for the first time since I'd blown a chunk of points by running out of fuel in Britain, or using hte wrong push when not attending in Singapore. Then, in hte closing laps, Carpers overtook the 2 Team S cars (possibly John blew his race on purpose as our relationship was at least fractual, even back then) to steal the title by 3 points. 1st title, in a prestigious league, in only my 4th elite season, gone.
2 seasons later, I lead both champs into Brazil, lost both leads into Abu Dhabi before on the final lap I lost 2nd place in the CC too, as on the edge of the DRS straight, I lost position and lost the extra 100 reputation by as little as on quantity of second places.
I also seem to have hte worst qualifying record of all time.
But on to the races that actually clicked for me. In pro, this race:
saw my team legend Pichi Medina come from 18th on the grid, on a shocking strategy IMO in a mixed conditions race, to take the lead on the final lap, like Kimi Raikkonen, just on a rubbish weahter strategy where I really didn't understand what was going on back then lol.
I've got a few other tales stored up to tell you, but those are for another day kids. Unless you really want me to say them lol.

Alex perkins medal 5000 8 years 281 days ago
it just sounds like u were in a division full on non active managers lol

Leo Yeo medal 5000 8 years 281 days ago
yeah I don't know. The default strategy sucked but most thought it would work, but as I said this is about pure luck races, things that should not happen but have. Also I'm sorry to hear about that James. Hopefully you can get championship soon!

Leo Yeo medal 5000 8 years 270 days ago
Back again with the luck! Monaco must be one of the most unpredictable races. I had a terrible strategy while others had them set up perfectly. I think there were 3 or 4 other managers watching the race live so it was not just me. I was in 12th and 13th but some how came to finsh in 5th and 6th. Anyway that's another one of my luck races, and as I said previously share yours generously!