Rodrigo Alonso medal 5000 8 years 179 days ago
The basic 101 in UX/UI: The "ESC" key hides the deployed left menu or closes the modal window opened (driver, staff, facility, etc...), in order of z-index: 1 modal, 2 menu..

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 8 years 179 days ago
Good suggestion. Does it need to close the menu if it's on a widescreen monitor, though?

Rodrigo Alonso medal 5000 8 years 179 days ago
I think so. Is just the basic and normal behaviour.
Obviously, it doesn't matter much if the menu hides or shows when is wider of the content width + menu (when doesn't hide any content at all), but is easy to develop the functionality for every case than creating exceptions... I know, not a big difference, but... up to you, I guess haha

Rodrigo Alonso medal 5000 8 years 173 days ago
Any updates on this? I keep hitting the ESC button by reflex action... hahaha

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 8 years 173 days ago
Haha, I didn't realise it was a pressing matter for you!
Well, since it is easy to add quickly, I just added it. :)

Rodrigo Alonso medal 5000 8 years 172 days ago
YES!!! Lovely and handy!! I can't stop pressing my ESC key now... hahaha thanks!