Carlos Pereira medal 5156 1 year 65 days ago
I read the "A Guide to Engine Manufacturing", but it seems that it is out of date. Can you confirme that? And if so can you tell me if there a newer one?

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 1 year 65 days ago
Yes, it is out of date. I will try and find time to update it soon.
There are two things that are wrong:
1. The guide correctly states that a L30 Manufacturer can edit weakness. At the time of writing the guide I didn't realise that you CANNOT select Reliability or Cooling as the weakness.
2. Customers get the standard strength/weakness pairing irrespective of what the L30 manufacturer has selected.
I.E. A L30 manufacturer may select their engine to be +30 Handling / -15 Tyre Economy but a customer using this engine will get +30 Handling / -15 Downforce.
The standard pairings are:
Acceleration / Braking
Handling / Downforce
Fuel Economy / Tyre Economy
Cooling / Reliability.