Jay Sus medal 5000 336 days ago
Someone really needs to come up with an algorithm that extends tyres in cold weather and most likely reduce the tyres in hot weather. I've not seen warm racing yet.
Hard tyres at 12 degrees are only fast for 11 laps in France cause you're pushing none-stop to put heat in the tyres.

Timothy Barry medal 5640 336 days ago
IMHO tyre wear is not broken. In actual fact, I think that current tyre wear makes the game more interesting. Now, you have to think, when setting strats and cars up, about wether you should prioritise FE (in NRF leagues), so that you can reduce car weight and tyre wear, or if you concentrate on the others of the big 5 for pure speed on track. In RF leagues you have to consider the number of stops and length of stints, to try and keep weight optimal. So, in your example, using hard tyres would increase the cars weight and allow for more wear of both tyres and equipment. Also, in RF leagues, I would revert to the classic big 4 in terms of car development.
So, basically, the current system is more interesting and changing the tyre stats would make the game too homogeneous.

Jay Sus medal 5000 336 days ago
The fact that it is cold, SS & S tyre life should be extended not reduced, because of using higher push level.
Current tyre from what I see have not changed in 8yrs lol

Herbie Rides Again medal 5007 336 days ago (Last edited by
Herbie Rides Again 336 days ago)
The fact that it is cold, SS & S tyre life should be extended not reduced, because of using higher push level.
Current tyre from what I see have not changed in 8yrs lol
You haven’t looked very far as tyres have been changed many times. Perhaps could spend some time reading through previous forum threads and change logs to better understand how the game actually works! Also be careful with anything that is over a couple of years old as the way everything works has changed several times in this game

Jay Sus medal 5000 336 days ago (Last edited by
Jay Sus 336 days ago)
I've already read through the changelog about tyres and from what I read in it and from what I know from 8yrs ago.
What is wrote in the changelog is how my tyres already were back in 2016.
So was I the guinea pig for tyres back then, or is the game just broken?
This here btw, still happening currently, there a big dip in tyre temps at 65%
Changelog - Tyre tweaks, 05 Sep 2022
Fixed temperature drop issue when tyres reach 65% wear.

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 336 days ago
Tyre wear per km AND the tyre wear/ performance curve have both been tweaked on a number of occasions over the past few years.
The most significant recent update was August 2022
Tyre 'Cliffs' Update (16th August @ 12:00)
The previous major update was September 2018
LIVE: Tyre Wear Update
No way are the current tyres the same as they were in 2016.
From experience I think minor tweaks have happened in between the major updates but maybe the Devs don't announce these.

Jay Sus medal 5000 336 days ago
See now Kevin, how can you say that's an update when the start of notable tyre drop off was always 50% even back in the old igp before 3D came into play. So rule of thumb was change trye before the drop off lol

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 336 days ago
You are over simplifying things.
You are only looking at one element, the point at which tyre performance dramatically drops off. And IIRC before the 2018 update the "cliff" used to be 40%, not the current 50%. The rule of thumb was never load more than 40 litres of fuel or take the tyres below 40% wear. Remember, this was also in the days before the no refuelling rule was introduced.
Then they got changed so you could run them down to the carcass. In a refuelling allowed league the overcut was all powerful, so the community called for the cliff to be reintroduced. This happened and at the same time other parameters were also tweaked to make the racing more interesting and allow different strategies to converge.
There is much more to it than the one element you mention. You also need to consider the lap time difference between the compounds, the rate at which each compound wears, the PL you need to keep the tyres in their ideal temperature window, the performance loss as the tyres wear and how hard it is to maintain their temperature as they wear. All of these variables have been modified a number of times since 2016.

Jay Sus medal 5000 335 days ago
Races are only more interesting if everyone builds the same car. The fault in car design has been showing you that for years.

Herbie Rides Again medal 5007 335 days ago
I wish iGP would introduce a forum block button.

Slo Bro medal 5010 335 days ago
Races are only more interesting if everyone builds the same car. The fault in car design has been showing you that for years.
Off topic, you’re complaining about tyres in this thread, remember. Not car design

Jay Sus medal 5000 334 days ago
Races are only more interesting if everyone builds the same car. The fault in car design has been showing you that for years.
Off topic, you’re complaining about tyres in this thread, remember. Not car design
Well the mods shouldn't bring the bigger picture into it lol

Jeff Boyer medal 5482 334 days ago (Last edited by
Jeff Boyer 334 days ago)
IMO The issue with tyres is that practice tyre wear does not translate into race tyre wear.
ie; 5% tyre wear in practice should mean you get 10 laps before hitting 50%. But as you upgrade your tyre wear practice numbers don't improve but the race numbers do.
Oh and it would be great if it was possible to baby the tyres at low push levels to extend their life and enable different strategies. It seems now that regardless of the push level the tyres wear out in the same number of laps.

John Doe medal 5000 334 days ago
Tyre degradation is exponential not linear. That's why you can do more than 10 laps.
Anyway the tyres are perfectly balanced and this thread should be closed as it's going off topic by miles.

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 334 days ago
The suggestion has been rejected by iGP staff, so I will do as Giovanni suggests and close the thread.