Herbie Rides Again medal 5007 329 days ago (Last edited by
Herbie Rides Again 329 days ago)
Hey Max,
This is to avoid exploits such as managers having one team with the only purpose of buying temporarily the drivers/staff from the main account > editing the appearance > return the driver/staff
Thanks for the reply! Why would that be a problem? From your perspective as a company, you’re getting the money either way and customers are retaining their purchases. It also surely doesn’t matter if that second account is owned by the same person or even a different person as they can be seen as gifts. Is this to avoid some black market selling of cosmetics at cheaper than market value?
What would be better is an inventory on your account where the cosmetics/buffs are stored and you can apply/dis-apply to drivers on your account when you see fit.
It is a standard feature in a lot of games. iGP may fear revenue loss, however, I believe it would actually encourage spending from those reluctant to spend on say Legendary Racecraft if it only applies to a single driver.