Sir Mph medal 5001 225 days ago
with the current update and its TD changes
for refueling leagues you can play around and decide what you prefer more
but for no refueling leagues you are completely reliant on the Fuelling ability of your TD
either spend 100 tokens on it or be screwed with a +-0,5l error adding up each lap
at least one decimal would be nice to be competitive without needing to pay to win

Sir Mph medal 5001 224 days ago
i did a practice run for my next race, it said "2.7l"
the "3l" from last race was just misleading as it should have shown as "3.0l" which already includes a decimal number
thanks for the "rejected" without any explanation that my suggestion was already in place..

Yousuf Azadzoi medal 5461 224 days ago
You could take notes and do calculations. It is a management game anyways. All of us managers had or still have spreadsheets and notes from previous race data.