Kruts Renchons medal 5129 146 days ago
Im a new player, havent interacted with the community apart from a couple of msgs.
I had 0 problems joining races or doing instant races and such, but about a week ago live races started to get stuck on " 100% loading track resources " screen. This only happens for live races and in unsure what to do. Instant races have 0 problems and everything else is fine too. Im updated to the newest version.

José Trujillo medal 5396
Community Manager 146 days ago
Hey Kruts,
I’ve enabled 2D mode for your account, could you give a try now please?

Kruts Renchons medal 5129 145 days ago
Our next live race is in 17hrs and 4 minutes, ill hopefully be online to give it a try

Kruts Renchons medal 5129 144 days ago
Alright! Our race just finished! I was able to join and everything worked perfectly.
When we began my game downloaded something and it was in low graphics mode for a just a couple of seconds, unsure if this info is useful to you, but tysm for fixing it! <3