Patrick Serafini medal 6015 128 days ago
I gave a legendary design skill to a technical director, I already have another technical director with fuel skills that I've activated.
I had read that I could still take the 3 points of the design skill, but that doesn't happen, certainly from yesterday and probably from a while.
Can you clarify why this is happening?

Red Craigie medal 5091 Super Mod 127 days ago
Hi Patrick
So the Design TD acts the same way a supplier does, it provides you with a permanent +3 boost to the chosen stat. It should be visible on your "upgrade" page in brackets somewhere, at least if you are accessing iGP through the web. Could you please take a look and just double confirm for me that you cannot see the bonus?
I have multiple design TD's on another account and they all are working as expected.

Slo Bro medal 5808 127 days ago
Cars => upgrade button (even if you have 0 design points) => as Michael said, brackets for supplier bonus / minus and TD counts like a supplier
Mind you, 200 is elite hard cap and as TD works like supplier, would add nothing if that attribute already reached 200

Patrick Serafini medal 6015 127 days ago
It's been active for three races, I chose braking and in brackets I only have + 3, it should be +9 and it should add them automatically everyday, right?
I play game in smartphone,android.

Red Craigie medal 5091 Super Mod 127 days ago
Hi Patrick.
No that is not correct sorry.
It is a one time fixed increase of +3, the same way you get a fixed bonus from a supplier. Not +3 per race.

Patrick Serafini medal 6015 127 days ago
Okay, now it's all clear, I got it wrong.
So I spent 70 tokens plus 200 for 3 meager points. Let's say it's not really a big deal.
Thanks for the answers.