Gavin Ryan medal 5718 101 days ago
I have people in my server I run leave and come back for that ‘research gain’ everyone talks about from joining a server.
Is this actually a big benefit for my elite tier? I have a lot of level 30s do it and I’m curious if they are making it so the level thirties who don’t have it a disadvantage.
I am curious on how to stop this. I don’t want to block everyone who joins, but this is making our league kind of unplayable when the level 30s are 9 seconds ahead…

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 101 days ago
The top L30 Managers will tend to be ahead of lower levels / less experienced players regardless of whether or not they reset between seasons.
Resetting doesn't give a team any more design points it just changes the design balance. This is only beneficial if the managers have used more than one CD in the previous season to generate a little more research. If managers only have one CD then resetting will do nothing.
The only way to prevent this is to put a password on the league so that people can't re-join if they leave.

Gavin Ryan medal 5718 101 days ago
Makes sense, and I am grasping it. I was told misinformation.
That solution also makes it difficult to have newbie rookies join. That's difficult to decide when I am hosting a more active race in my time zone.
🤷♂️I guess I should just suck it up. Thank you though. I appreciate your help