Andrew Surowiec medal 5000 8 years 153 days ago
Could you make it possible to actually make money in this game? I lose more in wages than what I make with my one sponsor, because You can only have 1 sponsor that gives you money. This is a problem. I want to make money, not lose it because I only have 1 sponsor giving me money. Also a merchandise building would be very helpful as well

M Hauck medal 5000 8 years 153 days ago
You can trade the tokens into money

Fran Domínguez medal 5000 8 years 153 days ago
Well.. It highly depends on your sponsors. If you achieve their objectives per race, you will get their bonuses. With that bonuses I usually get over 3M from sponsors per race. Just try to balance your sponsors, watch out their bonuses and try to achieve the objectives per race.
You can trade the tokens into money
Yes, if you click on your current amount (top menu) you can trade tokens into money.
Regards :)

Дмитрий Старостачев medal 5000 8 years 152 days ago
Как подписать спонсора? На страницу спонсоров приходит 2 сообщения, но там пусто.

Fran Domínguez medal 5000 8 years 152 days ago
Как подписать спонсора? На страницу спонсоров приходит 2 сообщения, но там пусто.
Please speak in English here

Nathan Isom medal 5000 8 years 152 days ago
I have, occasionally, turned a profit with good sponsors, but that was at the expense of gaining tokens.
How do you trade tokens into money btw?? - Oops just seen ;) - Nope still can't work it out!

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 8 years 152 days ago
Как подписать спонсора? На страницу спонсоров приходит 2 сообщения, но там пусто.
You must go to the Finances page, click the Sponsors tab, and click on the two Sign buttons to sign a primary sponsor and secondary sponsor.

Jack Basford medal 5241
CEO & CTO 8 years 152 days ago
In this tab is empty.
What browser and version of the browser are you using? One other person reported this before in Google Chrome but said it worked in Firefox. I could never reproduce it using any browser.

James Greer medal 5000 8 years 152 days ago
In this tab is empty.
What browser and version of the browser are you using? One other person reported this before in Google Chrome but said it worked in Firefox. I could never reproduce it using any browser.
Advert and popup blocker was the cause then, after he re-installed the app after the rest his problem returned.

Дмитрий Старостачев medal 5000 8 years 152 days ago
In this tab is empty.
What browser and version of the browser are you using? One other person reported this before in Google Chrome but said it worked in Firefox. I could never reproduce it using any browser.
Advert and popup blocker was the cause then, after he re-installed the app after the rest his problem returned.
Excellent, disabled blocking and everything was working.

James Greer medal 5000 8 years 152 days ago
There will be a footnote on Jack's Help Guide

please disable or allow the iGP site in your Adblock Plus app or any other content-filtering and ad blocking extension you may use

Saurav Ghosh medal 5000 8 years 152 days ago (edited 8 years 152 days ago)
My finance page shows a profit of 7 million yet my money balance is in the Negative 2 million, strange because I remember starting the season on a positive... Can't check finance history as I am using Chrome on Android.. currently I don't have access to a desktop

Дмитрий Старостачев medal 5000 8 years 151 days ago
Do I have to use two different types of rubber in the race?

Nathan Isom medal 5000 8 years 151 days ago
No - you can just use the same type all race if that's your quickest strategy.

Jason Prudhoe medal 5000 8 years 151 days ago
I am losing a bit of money per race, i know what the problem is, i got an extra driver on the side and that alone is costing me 3/4 of a million and the development of facilities around the clock trying to catch up to the manager level which also costs a bit.
even if i were not spending money though, i would still be losing around 200k per race anyway. if i am to keep up with the competition, it will be expensive. i still have 130m available but in a few game seasons i won't have that sum of money to work with.
i may have to scale back a bit on costs. the tokens i have are used almost immediately on driver training because the driver training takes such a long time.

Paul Holian medal 5000 8 years 149 days ago
I am losing a bit of money per race, i know what the problem is, i got an extra driver on the side and that alone is costing me 3/4 of a million and the development of facilities around the clock trying to catch up to the manager level which also costs a bit.
even if i were not spending money though, i would still be losing around 200k per race anyway. if i am to keep up with the competition, it will be expensive. i still have 130m available but in a few game seasons i won't have that sum of money to work with.
i may have to scale back a bit on costs. the tokens i have are used almost immediately on driver training because the driver training takes such a long time.
Since you have 130million and your losing 200k per race dont worry, by my calculation you have at least 38 seasons before you go bankrupt lol

Alex Snead medal 5000 8 years 149 days ago
I don't think it's that people don't have enough money, I think it's that they're using tokens to train/build, rather than converting into money, and they're developing headquarters as fast as they can, where actually, to keep a level balance, you need to only update something in headquarters every 20-30 days, not every five days as is possible.
The issue, I'm sure, is that you progress up through the low levels far too fast. Once you get to level 10+ you'll be there for a whole season or more and you can start building your facilities up to start coming closer to where you should be.
I started a new team 8 races ago, despite doing only half a season, I promoted immediately. I am now second in Pro tier, and will promote at the end of this season also, easily. I will JUST hit level seven, I think, as I move up, and my HQ will have nothing past level 5. I will however still have the 50m I started with, and by then about 30 tokens. By the time I'm level 12, 13, maybe 14 (in a year or more time), I should have just about caught up my HQ to my level, and have enough money to hire 5* staff, instead of the 3* and 4* staff I'm using now. it is the only way forwards. Unfortunately most people are too much in a hurry, in which case, you need to spend money.

Chris Louth medal 5000 8 years 125 days ago
How about prize money at the end of the season?