Rogan Santiago medal 5455 34 days ago
My biggest issue with the update is that it’s not as easy to get to your league. Please add an icon for the league in the menu.

José Trujillo medal 5396
Community Manager 34 days ago
Hey Rogan,
There’s a button in the homepage to reach your League.

Ruymán Atique teimporta medal 5915 33 days ago
What he says is a quick link in the menu.
I agree on this, and tbh our whole league thinks the same. The new GUI is not as easy to navigate as before. And I don't mean it with bad intentions, we want this to be better and his input has good intentions.

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 13 days ago (Last edited by
Jack Basford 13 days ago)
You can press "league" on the home page under the standings. It might require a small scroll on mobile devices, that's all. Would you like me to also make the league name go to the league page at the top of the standings? That way you won't have to scroll.
EDIT: I've implemented this idea now.

Nicholas Spaeth medal 5533 13 days ago
IMO, navigation to the league page feels less intuitive because the buttons at the top of the home page are drawing the most attention. So your proposed solution could help. After the update, I subconsciously expected to find a large button for my league page along with the buttons for "Race", Community ", and "Hall of Fame". It doesn't bother me now that I'm familiar.

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 13 days ago
I will be building a "league tile" on the home page soon, so that's going to make 3 shortcuts to the league from the home page. 😅