Chris Laming medal 5466 19 days ago
How can you view the qualifying results for a race, before the race has started?

Red Craigie medal 5091 Super Mod 19 days ago
Hi Chris
Currently there isn't a natural way to do this, it's been reported through a few times already and is on a list of improvements I hope.
If you wish to view qualifying results, on web there is a workaround to get there. If you open your previous race, in the html bar there will be a race ID. If you increase this number by 3 it should bring up the familiar page where you can view qualifying.
I don't think this would work for the first race of each season though.

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 19 days ago
It definitely doesn't work for the first race of the season. For this you need to view the practice results before qualifying begins, make a note of the race ID in your browser address bar and insert it into this web address, replacing the XXXXXXXX

José Trujillo medal 5396
Community Manager 19 days ago
Hey Chris,
We’re working in several tweaks to the Home Screen.
- Ability to check qualifying results.
- League tile moved to the front (swap HoF).
- Weather for your league race shown in the League tile.

Chris Laming medal 5466 19 days ago
Great, thanks for your replies and continuing help etc.