Hi Niki.
Jose kindly provided me with the car information so I can try understand what has happened. If I'm judging everything correctly my guess would be that the update deployed somewhere around your 10th race last season? If that is about right then I think I understand the situation.
The account in questions stats are in line with an expected join in the current system, it looks like the CD they used would have been 5 star for their account level (please remember that the star rating is relative to account level. so what you see as not so good is potentially the best available for them). So I don't believe they have done anything wrong or unfair.
The issue I think is that the cars that ran in the last season received half of their design allocation under the 1-200 rules and half under the 1-300 rules, so they are underpowered compared to a new joiner, who receives a car based exclusively under 1-300 rules.
I'm not sure what solution could be applied at this stage, before the season started we could maybe have equalised all designs in the league. But now the accounts that started behind have received enhanced research from all the extra gaps so its not a clear cut adjustment to achieve parity.
I'm happy to discuss how to proceed from here, it's a difficult one from my perspective.
I got it, never mind leave everything as it is thanks anyway.