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Research impacts now scale with manager level

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medal 5239 CEO & CTO
8 years 126 days ago
To help low level teams remain competitive within leagues with high level teams, the research system was introduced. It has since been refined through several iterations to strike the best possible balance for all teams and ensure fairness.

This latest update gives lower level teams a slightly larger research impact than higher level teams. As higher level teams can buy higher level facilities, drivers, boost and DRS, this is offset by the advantages of having higher levels.

The values can be tweaked from here to any degree, to strike the perfect balance. For those who want to sink their teeth into the numbers, I can reveal that a level 1 team can receive up to 40% of the difference in any given area of design whereas a level 20 team will receive 20%. This is a fairly conservative starting value because we are mostly recieving praise about the system as it is, so it is clearly working quite well on the whole.
medal 5007
8 years 126 days ago
Just finished a race and

Research brought an extra 366 points of performance to our car. 'Dacia Racing' appear to have the most developed car. Research gains: Acceleration +31 Braking +3 Cooling +81 Downforce +45 Fuel economy +71 Reliability +69 Tyre economy +66

Seems a little excessive? especially as I'm the highest manager level in the league.
medal 5239 CEO & CTO
8 years 126 days ago (edited 8 years 126 days ago)
That doesn't just sound excessive, it sounds like a bug. It looks pretty much isolated to you going through the logs, interesting...
medal 5000
8 years 126 days ago
We just had a race, and people are getting 83-103 design points. I am a level 16 team, and got 83. Hopefully, this link will tell you the race.
medal 5239 CEO & CTO
8 years 126 days ago
I've applied a patch that should address this, it seems something in a calculation needed to be wrapped in brackets because it was forcing a formula to be calculated in an undesired order. E.g. X - Y / Z is now (X-Y)/Z. This should resolve the cause of the problem hopefully.

Regarding those who gained excessive amounts of points from research, I will probably run a script to roll back the design gains made in this race and re-award the design points for the race so you can re-assign them. This might not happen until tomorrow though, as I've probably run out of time for tonight.
medal 5239 CEO & CTO
8 years 125 days ago
It turns out the two leagues which reported issues will be running again shortly. I've run out of time to roll back the designs as I had planned to do for you guys. So instead, I'll leave it as it is, and if you feel it is causing problems let me know. If I were to roll them back now (10 minutes before the race) I could see more complaints than if I just leave it.

The system should restore the balance within your leagues soon anyway, but as I said just get in touch if it's not better after a couple of races.
medal 5000
8 years 123 days ago
Scaled to managers levels or research levels?

3star Research

4 & a half star Research

Only one point of a difference I was expecting 3stars to be 5-6 points lower than 4stars
medal 5239 CEO & CTO
8 years 122 days ago
Lower level managers get better effects from research, that's what was changed in this update. But they also have to maintain 5 stars just like everyone else for the full effect. At lower levels you are levelling up very quickly and need to change staff often, so it is more work to earn those extra points too. It's not intended to give anyone more or less design points than anyone else, but to keep things balanced with good management.

The idea is that it will compensate for having lower level drivers and HQ somewhat, as higher level managers have advantages in all of those areas, with more design points, boost, DRS, and driver skills by default.
medal 5000
8 years 122 days ago (edited 8 years 122 days ago)
Okie dokie.
And what about stopping people from maxing out the performance of the cars, we have 5 races still to run and looking at this

lots of people are nearly maxed out.

Dont worry about my design levels, having your name on the list as having a better part than the rest, I have found rewards you with less design points each race lol
medal 5239 CEO & CTO
8 years 122 days ago
Well, a lot of the progress in your current season would've been under the last version of the system. The gains are less now for high level teams, meaning this will be tougher next season. We can't stop people from maxing out attributes when you can get up to 20 points per race, anyway. If you threw everything at one attribute a team will always be able to max it out.
medal 5000
8 years 122 days ago
well, at the moment the point is, that if different teams max different parts out, the whole league will be pushed to more design points :o)
medal 5239 CEO & CTO
8 years 122 days ago
As long as teams don't get maximum in all areas then I don't mind that so much. It's something we can tweak in response to whatever happens.
medal 5000
8 years 122 days ago
Well, a lot of the progress in your current season would've been under the last version of the system. The gains are less now for high level teams, meaning this will be tougher next season. We can't stop people from maxing out attributes when you can get up to 20 points per race, anyway. If you threw everything at one attribute a team will always be able to max it out.

only first 4 races is not the current system, only reason I far behind is low design points per race and I maxed cooling so i get less rewards each race.
medal 5239 CEO & CTO
8 years 122 days ago
There was 1 day where there was a bug and some people got tonnes of points, it was quickly patched though. Did that hit your league?
medal 5000
8 years 121 days ago
No our league was fine as far as I know unless everyone one else got loads and I didn't
medal 5000
8 years 121 days ago
The difference a day makes

medal 5239 CEO & CTO
8 years 121 days ago
It's obvious you'll be maxed out in your league soon enough, so we'll need to work on balancing for the top level teams. One solution would be lower starting levels at the beginning of a season. Another would be to scale back research impacts further for top level teams. Currently the maximum you can obtain is 25% of the difference as a level 20 team, maybe that could be scaled back to 10%.
medal 5000
8 years 121 days ago
In our league, one level 11, 14 & 15. 2level 16's, 17's. one level 18, 3 level 19's and one level 20. But so far the level 15 has been wining every season so maybe the end season rewards need looked at.
medal 5239 CEO & CTO
8 years 121 days ago
There are no end of season rewards. That's a myth, which I've seen repeated in a few threads.

I just changed the way research is applied to reduce the overall impact at all levels. The gains will become very fine as you near level 20, making the design HQ more important. Hopefully this will make it take a little longer to reach 100.

I see the level 15 manager has really good drivers with 19-20 stats across the board. It is intended that a level 15 can compete with a level 20 and it seems to be working well. I certainly don't think he's winning *because* he's level 15 or becaue of end of season rewards (since they don't exist). His level can only be a handicap when you factor in boost, DRS etc.
medal 5000
8 years 121 days ago
Lots of myths in this game. winning the championship gives higher design level points than finishing lower down from what I have seen, so I guess you have changed this since your saying it's a myth
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