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medal 5000
8 years 108 days ago
I think we need a more stable weather supplier.

The impacts weather has in races is big and when the temp keeps changing from 27° to 10° then back to 27° and then 10° again it's very annoying.

27° push level 2 optimal temp med tyres
10° push level 4 optimal temp med tyres

Problem is you need more fuel to up the push level to keep temp in the tyres
medal 5000
8 years 108 days ago
How this sound, not very realistic but when the race locks the weather locks along with it.

Have live weather up until 10minutes before the race. No changeable weather conditions.

If it's heavy rain when locked, the race is heavy rain for the full race
If it's light rain when locked, the race is light rain for the full race
If it's 32° when locked, the race is 32° for the full race
If it's 10° when locked, the race is 10° for the full race
medal 5000
8 years 107 days ago
James. I have also experienced the 27 degree / 10 degree temperature swing, I imagine it's a bug and needs to be ironed out.
I don't agree with locking weather throughout the race, most of the interesting races result from rain stopping or starting part way through the race. It rewards the managers who attend and it gives lower level managers an opportunity to gain a few valuable championship points.
I do however think the weather needs a bit of work to make it more informative. I.e. decimal points in the standing water measurement and if it is raining we need some indication as to how heavy the rain actually is. Somebody else suggested it would be good to have an alert flash up when the rain/no rain weather conditions change. The icing on the cake would be to have all of this information available both "in race" and "pre race".
medal 5000
8 years 107 days ago
Only happens like that when the system stops getting info from the weather station.
It's not really iGP's fault it's out of their hands.
medal 5000
8 years 107 days ago (edited 8 years 107 days ago)
Only happens like that when the system stops getting info from the weather station.
It's not really iGP's fault it's out of their hands.

I don't think so James, i think they will find a solution. Maybe when not getting info from weather station, use the last one received or something like that.
I know it's annoying when it happens but, i prefer to way like it is at the moment.
Locking the weather will make it less interesting. I must say it's annoying but that temp jumping, and not having a decimal number to see how wet is the track (0mm or 0,5mm = 0mm) makes some races really interesting and give possibilities to change the obvious results.
I know it should not be part of the game but if i have to choose between that or fixed weather during all race, i prefer like it is at the moment.
At the moment, the weather in general needs some work because some things are just, not right, but the game is still improving, we have to be patient. Good weather is coming :)
medal 5000
8 years 107 days ago
Well, the game uses live weather, but it should really use the latest data instead of the default 10°C, if the weather server doesn't respond.
medal 5000
8 years 107 days ago
Also, can we have KERS enabled when the track is wet. At the moment there is very little overtaking opportunity during wet races.
Why can't we have a tick box to disable auto pit? I get caught too many times when the weather changes and I don't notice because I'm doing something else.
medal 5000
8 years 107 days ago
Also, can we have KERS enabled when the track is wet. At the moment there is very little overtaking opportunity during wet races.
Why can't we have a tick box to disable auto pit? I get caught too many times when the weather changes and I don't notice because I'm doing something else.

Are you meaning DRS KERS has always been enabled? Plus the not alerting does make it so the ones that pay attention most get the best results they can so that doesn't need to change.
medal 5000
8 years 107 days ago
have to say, it worked well for me today in my race so... ;)
medal 5000
8 years 107 days ago
Yes Henry, well spotted, I did mean DRS.
We should have an option to disable auto pitting to give us the opportunity to calculate fuel load and change strategy to suit the conditions. Also if the tyres are holding up, at the moment you have to cancel the pit stop on each and every lap which is a pain.
In my opinion an "alert" would be good because it would replace the weather window that we used to have in the old game. The rain guage / thermometer in the top right hand corner of the screen doesn't stand out very well on a wide screen PC, I hate to think how dificult it will be to see on a mobile device?
medal 5000
8 years 107 days ago
agreed. DRS should be open in rain, maybe we can change the power of it, to make it interesting, but, no kers no fun. :)
medal 5000
8 years 106 days ago
I think the no DRS in the rain is interesting in all honesty. If you think about it in the real life sense its disabled when it gets to a certain point and the no DRS is what help enable a jumbled up grid in the rain because it's what allows for different strategies working depending on the situation
medal 5000
8 years 105 days ago
well yes, you are right charles. no drs in the rain makes things interesting. changed my mind.
medal 5044
8 years 105 days ago
If I recall, DRS is enabled if track surface water is less than 1 mm.
medal 5000
8 years 103 days ago
It used to be enabled regardless of how much rain was falling, and I thought it should stay that way. However, after a few months now of the new release I think it should stay the way it is. With better teams having an advantage with better DRS, it means rain is more of a leveler. Also opens up for more for taking advantage of well times pit stops etc.

I do think however we could spice it up a little with a few things that have defo been mentioned before.
1) Return of the weather station to allow for some attempt at planning, rather than just reacting. Details like "heavy rain, light rain etc"
2) The option to disable "auto pit" like in the old game.
3) A pop window when it does start raining, giving the user the pit options, fuel, tyre choice etc.
medal 5000
8 years 103 days ago
I like the old options, if start raining, pit after X laps and put X tyres and if stops raining... the same. that was strategy 100%
medal 5000
8 years 102 days ago
If I recall, DRS is enabled if track surface water is less than 1 mm.

You are correct sir.


3) A pop window when it does start raining, giving the user the pit options, fuel, tyre choice etc.

Weather change notifications are on our radar.
medal 5000
8 years 102 days ago

Weather change notifications are on our radar.


medal 5000
8 years 102 days ago
I know your all probably manic busy, but any chance of a quick post/update? We havent heard anything that I can see since the mobile app was pushed back.

Just a few quick lines on whats on the radar and what kind of importance they are being given. As in what to expect soon, and later type situation?

I think the games is definitely coming along very well, but knowing what else is coming will always be a bonus!!
medal 5241 CEO & CTO
8 years 100 days ago
I know your all probably manic busy, but any chance of a quick post/update? We havent heard anything that I can see since the mobile app was pushed back.

Just a few quick lines on whats on the radar and what kind of importance they are being given. As in what to expect soon, and later type situation?

I think the games is definitely coming along very well, but knowing what else is coming will always be a bonus!!

A lot is going on behind the scenes and we're also looking to increase the size of the team going in to 2017. More will be published on this soon. My last week has largely been spent organising the data we need to make objective decisions rather than subjective ones. There was a big disruption mid week when a server went down as well, which threw us off course a little and put us back 1-2 days but otherwise things are looking really good.
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