dan ruglio medal 5000 8 years 107 days ago (edited 8 years 107 days ago)
Only happens like that when the system stops getting info from the weather station.
It's not really iGP's fault it's out of their hands.
I don't think so James, i think they will find a solution. Maybe when not getting info from weather station, use the last one received or something like that.
I know it's annoying when it happens but, i prefer to way like it is at the moment.
Locking the weather will make it less interesting. I must say it's annoying but that temp jumping, and not having a decimal number to see how wet is the track (0mm or 0,5mm = 0mm) makes some races really interesting and give possibilities to change the obvious results.
I know it should not be part of the game but if i have to choose between that or fixed weather during all race, i prefer like it is at the moment.
At the moment, the weather in general needs some work because some things are just, not right, but the game is still improving, we have to be patient. Good weather is coming :)