Jack Brabham medal 5064 8 years 98 days ago
Particularly level 15. I can only see the same 3 or 4 CD's coming up.

F Williams medal 5000 8 years 87 days ago
yeah i been waiting for a TD for months but only very crap ones avaliable so been stuck with a 2 star TD for A loooong time.

Jason Prudhoe medal 5000 8 years 86 days ago
all i keep seeing are 4.5 star td and cd's any most of them are exactly the same, 6-8 talent 20 exp and 20 morale.
i just stopped searching a while back as i can't find anything that would help.
i would like to take advantage of the new game system, but it is far too reliant on perfect cd's and td's.

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 8 years 85 days ago
Talent level and experience isn't important when looking for staff anymore, it is their star rating.
Whether that is influenced by their talent or experience or morale, I am not sure. But the star rating is the single most important thing.
The more stars a staff member has, the more beneficial.

dan ruglio medal 5000 8 years 82 days ago (edited 8 years 81 days ago)
Talent level and experience isn't important when looking for staff anymore, it is their star rating.
Whether that is influenced by their talent or experience or morale, I am not sure. But the star rating is the single most important thing.
The more stars a staff member has, the more beneficial.
are you sure talent and experience are not used for next season design?
Any chance of adding some more CD's and TD's into the market?
agreed, i think we need more.

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 8 years 82 days ago
Talent level and experience isn't important when looking for staff anymore, it is their star rating.
Whether that is influenced by their talent or experience or morale, I am not sure. But the star rating is the single most important thing.
The more stars a staff member has, the more beneficial.
are you sure talent and experience are not used for next season design?
I am pretty sure it is not.

dan ruglio medal 5000 8 years 81 days ago
Talent level and experience isn't...
are you sure talent and experience are not used for next season design?
I am pretty sure it is not.
oh ok, maybe is for the moment.
anyway, is getting hard to find stars and even less stars being able to increase.

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 8 years 81 days ago
When it comes to finding top quality staff, I am seeing that the current system in place has been much more realistic.
There is always going to be a shortage of top quality employees, regardless of how much cash a player has.
I think instead of introducing more staff into the market, the developers may need to consider a system where staff members have or develop a personality based on their past success, like I suggested for drivers in another thread in the Suggestions sub-forum. Bringing back something similar to the former staff commenting system that the old iGP had could allow players to view staff on other teams and try to woo them in an effort to make more difficult for the team they are employed at from renewing a contract (or block it entirely).
However, that as a suggestion itself lends itself to abuse in simply getting the employee fired and the team who woos them may never employ them (in one instance). But if the system were to be developed correctly, when trying to woo the staff on the other team, it could cost tokens each time a manager tried to talk sweet to a staff member on another team, which could eliminate any chance of abuse.
Still, though, that already sounds somewhat complex. A simpler solution could be to allow managers to send buyout requests to other managers for a specific driver or employee, in an attempt to buyout a current staff member's contract to hire them to their team. Buyout costs would not be able to be set by managers (to prevent transferring cash from one account to another) and instead could be determined by a combination of how successful the staff member has been (championships, average points scored, etc.) either at the current team they are employed at or in the past in general and how much they are currently paid per race. There is still a transfer of cash happening here, and there would need to be another safeguard in place here to allow a buyout system to be implemented here to prevent cash transfer abuse.

Ayrton Senna medal 5000 8 years 76 days ago
always have the same staff in the market, is so frustrating

dan ruglio medal 5000 8 years 70 days ago (edited 8 years 70 days ago)
yes, i think this needs some attention. There are no options in the market, many CDs with cooling strength that nobody wants. Can you retire them pls? At the moment we need the list to be a little longer. But not just longer, with new CDs and TDs from time to time. Let's say every month half market retires (Drivers,CDs,TDs and DR) half thinking in the list long we have today.

Daniel Schupp medal 5000 8 years 70 days ago
I still think that a big part of the problem is that we don't see quite a lot of the staff on the market. There is decent staff on the market but only if I shortlist them I usually see them more often than once, and if I shortlist them I often see them for several days before someone takes them. Longer auction times and the ability to filter the market for the kind of staff I'm actually looking for would help a lot and might fire up some bidding competition between managers as well.

Alasdair Howell medal 5000 8 years 68 days ago
I still think that a big part of the problem is that we don't see quite a lot of the staff on the market. There is decent staff on the market but only if I shortlist them I usually see them more often than once, and if I shortlist them I often see them for several days before someone takes them. Longer auction times and the ability to filter the market for the kind of staff I'm actually looking for would help a lot and might fire up some bidding competition between managers as well.
I totally agree with that. Hiring staff is too easy with no bidding contest

Jack Basford medal 5241
CEO & CTO 8 years 68 days ago
It is something I've noticed, that transfers can sometimes hit a snag where it isn't showing 5-star options for an extended period or the same staff repeatedly. Unfortunately, there are higher priorities right now for our tiny team. But I noticed exactly what everyone has since expressed in this thread a few weeks back, just haven't had a chance to work on it yet.
We'll be able to devote much more time to "tweaking" once the mobile apps are out. Tweaking values, logic and algorithms to produce more desirable outcomes more often. In the meantime, we're still finishing high-level projects which require too much focus to spend time tweaking every system. We appreciate everyone's patience and understanding, which has been great so far. We're moving as fast as we can. :)

dan ruglio medal 5000 8 years 67 days ago
@Jack: this is the short list i see in my level 14. it's not fair for this level. you search for a long time and when you find something, you go +1 level and stars fall back to 4.
with this system we need to be able to be able to find staff faster. maybe in staff (not talking about drivers) we should be able to hire staff +1 of our level cap. or in some way, give them a good meal to get more stars. well, i bet you already has plans :)
i'm posting what i see in the market today.

and thats all the staff in the market for this ppl with level 14 :P

dan ruglio medal 5000 8 years 67 days ago
lol, it's me, level 14 :)

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 8 years 67 days ago
Why can't we train staff in much the same way as drivers? Send the CD off to University to study aerodynamics, mechanical engineering or material technology. The Tech Director would benefit from some sort of Management Training or let him shadow James Bond to brush up on espionage skills. Maybe the doctor needs to learn more about Nutrition, exercise and ingrowing toe nails.
Whilst they are training they draw a reduced salary but are not available to work for the team. Just a thought, the training would have to be more sensible and it would probably take a lot of programming. Maybe worth considering for the future when the developers have got time on their hands.

Bill Watson medal 5000 8 years 64 days ago
At level 17 there are currently 3 staff on the list that have 4.5 stars out of 28 total in the list. There are no 4 or 5 star staff and all 3 are CD's so if I am looking for a DR or TD I am forced to hire a 3.5 star or lower staff member. Finding staff is a huge pain with the current market as there just aren't enough realistic options to choose from in the list and unlike the old iGP there is only one page and you can't sort it by any of the metrics (it would be nice to sort by either position or stars, if I only need a TD it would be nice to see them all grouped together)
I agree that training like drivers would be a much better option than the current market.

Dean Gibson medal 5000 8 years 59 days ago
The issue is that their is a limited number of staff and the only staff staff that get sold are ones people don't want making it impossible to find high level CDs with acceleration as their strength.
The way I see it the best solution is to make it so that you can find new staff the same as youth drivers for 1 token.

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 8 years 59 days ago
The issue is that their is a limited number of staff and the only staff staff that get sold are ones people don't want making it impossible to find high level CDs with acceleration as their strength.
The way I see it the best solution is to make it so that you can find new staff the same as youth drivers for 1 token.
It's possible you're missing out on CDs with strength in Acceleration if that's what everybody else is after! There's an abundance for every other strength.

Jack Basford medal 5241
CEO & CTO 8 years 59 days ago