Harley Marshall medal 5000 7 years 337 days ago
There needs to be a blue flag system where backmarkers let leading cars through, as I race in a 100% length league we do a lot of lapping of cars and races are a lot of time settled by not who has the quickest car but who has the most luck with where they catch backmarkers. At the moment some cars gain in excess of a second if they catch a car just before the DRS zone and equally a large amount of time can be lost if they are caught towards the start of a lap and therefore are stuck behind them for the whole lap only to be let through going round the corner before the DRS zone where they then unlap themselves. Surely there needs to be a system where backmarkers have to let the leaders through quickly and in my opinion DRS should only be used when passing cars for position and not when lapping backmarkers.

Simon Thornes medal 5000 7 years 337 days ago
afaik lapped cars don't hold you up at all. you just pass (through) them.

Harley Marshall medal 5000 7 years 337 days ago
I think they do hold you up a bit especially around circuits like Monaco, my issue is more the DRS effect where some people can gain massive amounts from simple luck in where they catch them and not their own doing, in my experience over a second can be gained each lap where DRS has come of a lapped car, this I feel is an unfair advantage which no one has any control over.

Leo Yeo medal 5000 7 years 337 days ago
I agree with Harley, especially with DRS now being really effective. It can get frustrating if you're trying to pass slower car in front and they stretch gain a second from an irrelevant back marker.
I also think the slow back markers from inactive teams definitely block you and you don't just drive through them...
Stopping us from getting DRS from back markers would be good if we didn't get blocked so much with it.
On another note, removing auto-kers from really slow teams would be helpful and could prevent blocking

Jamie R medal 5000 7 years 337 days ago
They will also use KERS to get back in front of you..
*edit - Just saw that Leo mentioned this too.

Gary Collyer medal 5002 7 years 336 days ago
in 100% races with competative league, you lap cars that are only 1.5-2 seconds a lap slower than you, so most of the time you just don't drive through them, you get stuck for lap after lap trying to go through the field, end up using alot of your own kers to pass them, and when you have no kers it always seem to work out that they finally pass them 200 metres before DRS zone and come straight back past and then have another lap behind them, then drs past them next lap and they auto kers straight back past you and u start again with another lap, after all this a 5 second lead disappears, sometimes you sit there thinking oh come on ffs... haha :p

Fubeca Gersberps medal 5000 7 years 336 days ago
wait a minute ... lapped cars get DRS to unlap themselves? This seems like a major bug that needs fixing haha

Daniel Schupp medal 5000 7 years 336 days ago
Not a bug, it's modelled straight after the rules of Formula 1. I had no issues with that because I have not seen any problems overtaking lapped cars. If it did slow down it was in the range of a tenth of a second but I'm racing in a 50% league so the lapped cars have to be quite a lot slower to be lapped in the first place and thus the overtaking mechanic might have no trouble for an successfull attempt at the next corner at the latest. So what I wished often enough was a button telling my bloody driver to stay behind that to be lapped car and not overtake 20m before the DRS entry point (although if it is blue flags he might have to by rule).
Yes, it's quite a lottery when and where you, or your direct opponent, hit some backmarkers and thought this might be an area were I wished the game would defiate from the real world F1 rules. On the other hand this is something that spices those live races up. Perhaps another area where it would be nice if the league hosts could micro manage their leagues if they wish to do so.

Alex O'Reilly medal 5000 7 years 336 days ago
I race in a 50% league and find myself and others lapping other teams several times a race. The end result of the race usually ends up with being who was the luckiest to catch the DRS from the lapped cars which is rather annoying and ruins the competitiveness I feel. If it wasn't something that happened often then I wouldn't mind it but I feel like it is too much of a factor. Maybe if you are lapping someone you shouldn't get the DRS from them and a blue flag would be a good idea to compensate for the person lapping. Most lapped cars are inactive teams so they wouldn't actually care or notice, it's just annoying to have battles ruined by the lapped cars like they can be especially with how often it happens. This is coming from someone winning the championship currently so it isn't a biast opinion.

Jordon Gonzales medal 5000 7 years 336 days ago
If we're talking rules of F1, refueling should not be allowed.
On topic - I don't know if drs is the reason why a particular competitor in a race is uncatchable no matter how well you manage the push settings.

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 336 days ago
I am positive that backmarkers are programmed to prevent slowing down the drivers about to lap them. Even if they use DRS or KERS and get back ahead of a driver who has just lapped them, the lapping driver will pull past the backmarker regardless with no delay.
Preventing front markers from using DRS on back markers is a very good suggestion. I'd like to know from the developers if there is even a possibility this can be implemented.

Alex O'Reilly medal 5000 7 years 335 days ago
Hopefully it can be done in some way as I think it would make things better and not allow the inactive users to ruin races.

Alexis Snead medal 5000 7 years 335 days ago
I just wish when you're watching a live race you could tell your idiot not to overtake a backmarker 10m before the DRS zone - 'hold position' would fix all sorts of problems, I think.

Jordon Gonzales medal 5000 7 years 335 days ago
I've never heard this term before, what does it mean: backmarker?

Harley Marshall medal 5000 7 years 335 days ago
Essentially it means slower cars which are at the back of the field, for example in F1, Manor in 2015 could be considered to be backmarkers