Fubeca Gersberps medal 5000 7 years 304 days ago
A friend and I have noticed that a certain track and temperature will lead to 1 tire being the optimal strategy, and basically everyone will do that tire every stint. For our cars, in our phase of development, this is often the Soft tire. We'll do, for example, 3 stints of 14 laps on the Soft. It gets a little repetitive with nearly everyone pitting at the same time, etc.
My suggestion would be (and I'm not sure how seriously it has been discussed in the past) but to just have a simple rule that says you have to use 2 different tire compounds. Maybe make this an option for the league managers to enable or disable?

Daniel Schupp medal 5000 7 years 304 days ago (edited 7 years 304 days ago)
As a fixed rule I don't like it because it limits flexibility. But maybe that's because in our league the picture is completely different. There are of course the few super soft only tracks but apart from those it's mostly 2 and some 3 compound strategies that are used.
There is however a trend towards using the same strategy even if 2 viable are known. The trouble with using a different strategy than most is the risk finding your car alone on a section of the track and already very few missed DRS often will ruin your race completely.
Forgot so by edit: But I'm always for things like this as an option for setting up a league.

I B medal 5160 7 years 304 days ago
A fairly major issue is those that can't attend the race live would have to run a compound on the wrong push level.
We tried it in a league I was in, more interesting for those attending but heavily penalised those who couldn't

Duc Anh medal 5000 7 years 304 days ago
1:I have asked for it but it led to another discussion about track temperature
2:If you and your rivals use 2 different compounds the softer tire user will win because he will have lighter car/fewer fuel and faster tire so if we use the 2 different compounds in the dry then when you use the S instead of the SS u will lose a whole lot of time unless it rains etc.
And 3: Why do you use 3 Soft stints????You can use 2 SS stints and 1 S stint

Nathan Isom medal 5000 7 years 302 days ago
It has been discussed before and, ultimately, the pros didn't outweigh the cons for a lot of people commenting.
Like Daniel, our league does seem to have a good mix of strategies and compounds for a number of races and atmospheric temperate does tend to help that too.

Duc Anh medal 5000 7 years 302 days ago
Yeah even when you start on Soft tires you could still finish in a point position although you start in 16th place.The most important parts to win(or so points starting in a low position) are actually strategies,tire temp and reacting to weather blah blah etc. etc.