In the help & support there was already a topic about this. But my first driver had an axclamation mark since i renew his contract. He is 21 and the contract is now at 44 races. But stil is says the exclamation mark. Can I do something about it?
Kevin Bissellmedal 5084Super Mod 7 years 294 days ago
Jack. Any idea what's causing this? I have one of my drivers who now has the exclamation mark with 40 odd races remaining on his contract.
A few weeks ago I had the same issue with one of my back room staff.
A mark keeps showing up for the doctor but I can't figure out why. Contract for 43 races. Is the doctor retiring? Or is this a bug?
Kevin Bissellmedal 5084Super Mod 7 years 293 days ago
Jack. When you get an opportunity please can you fix this...
<img src="" width="424" height="166" />
I worry that I will ignore the exclamation mark and lose another member of staff because their contract really is expiring.
Thanks, Kev.
Jack Basfordmedal 5241 CEO & CTO 7 years 293 days ago
I thought this was fixed! I've wiped notifications. Please update me if it happens again.
I thought it was from selling drivers on auction, and they aren't having the notifications removed when that happens, so it hangs about for the next driver. But maybe it's something else. Can anyone find any pattern to the drivers or teams that this happens to that might point to a cause?
Kevin Bissellmedal 5084Super Mod 7 years 283 days ago
Jack. It has happened again, my CD had only one race remaining after the race last night so I renewed his contract. 22 hours later and the exclamation mark still hasn't cleared.
<img src="" width="660" height="327" />
If it can help, my "King" pilot just sold, had the exclamation point because there were 3 races, after having renewed it disappeared right away. Then I sold it