Fede Simondi medal 5000 7 years 293 days ago
Hola, en los entrenamientos configuré las características del auto para la carrera y ambos pilotos me dijeron que eran las mejores configuraciones. Guardé esas configuraciones. Vuelvo a entrar y están las configuraciones guardadas pero ahora me dice que no son las mejores.
¿Qué pasó?
Hi, during training session I set the car configurations to the best, as my pilots said. I saved those configurations, and now I check the trainings page again and it says that's not the best configuration for the race.
What happened?

Greg Broz medal 5000 7 years 293 days ago
Did you buy a setup with 3 tokens, or did you run your laps to find out what setup they liked?
If you do your practice well in advance of the race, the changes in weather will change the setup the drivers like best.
If I am not understanding you, then please let me know. It may also help if you post some screenshots

Fede Simondi medal 5000 7 years 293 days ago
Oh, Ok. Thanks. Yes, I did run the 5 laps to setup the car. At that moment it wasn't raining. The second time I check it was raining...
Thanks, I get it now.